Hey, sexy you got any PLANs this evening?! (wink) 1/1/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Now that the first is here and I am sure a lot of folks cleaned out the house, got their new workout gear on and promised to never eat a 'bad' food ever again!
Well, for us more realistic folks let's do the one day at a time thing and try and do the small steps...daily! I say the strongest thing we all can do is PLANs. Yes, plans don't sometime work but you can have a plan B, C and even D! The point is make a strategy!
Don't go all Willy Nilly! When you do that with no back up then things start falling apart. I eat the worst when I don't have groceries so I have to plan to go to the store and plan what to get and plan my meals what will help me stay on track!
Even if you don't cook you have to read restaurant menus online to help you see what to get and avoid!
Sorry can't escape it.

So, for those who want 6 pack or even a 4 pack abdominal (LOOOOL!!!!!!!) then plan to follow this calendar and make it work for you even beyond January 2013!


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for site. Do you have one for butt and chest too?

    Willy nilly when it comes to groceries is me for sure.I am so organized and just about everything else except planning meals. I will pray on this one and perhaps this year will be the year I conqueror it.

    Oh and I never promise to NOT eat bad food. Me Cookie Monster me need cookies! Okay I do not Need cookies but no way am I never eating cookies. :wink: :happy: :tongue: :laugh:
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Thanks, WW. You are right about planning ahead; that's an area in which I definitely have room to improve. :)

    Lisa, I checked out the fab-abs calendar site, too. They have an archive of the previous months' fitness challenges: http://shrinkingjeans.net/category/move-it/monthly-workout-calendar/. I spied an upper body and a glutes workout calendar there for your enjoyment. :D (Mine, too!)

    I think I'll do the abs challenge this month. I really like doing abdominal workouts. (I even like that feeling afterwards where every time I bend or twist, I feel it in my abs. It's not painful, but I know my body has gotten a workout when I feel that.)

    My husband always reminds me to balance the abdominal work with back-strengthening work so that my core is strong and I am not over-exercising one area while under-exercising another. So...I should do some back exercises, too. :)
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    My goal today - no sweets!!!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'm horrible about planning ahead with food, I'm lucky if I can remember if I take something out of the freezer for supper (the curse of living alone,) but I started making sure I at least have turkey or chicken burgers in the freezer since I can toss them in the toaster oven frozen for a quick supper.
    Everybody always ask me about just spending one day a week doing all sorts of cooking so I can just take a dish out of the fridge for supper, and I can't do it, I happen to hate left overs (which to me anything that is premade for reheating and eating for later date is a left over, sorry can't change my way of thinking on that no matter how I try). Tried it once, threw out 5 days worth of chicken and veggies when they went bad.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Wow Ms Rachel looooooooooove me leftovers! Mmmm esp when the flavors improve over time!

    But hey you know what works for you just plan whatever works!

    No sweets...maybe not a good thing if it will make you binge later. Tweek the sweets...maybe a chocolate kiss? Those mini cakes that are low calories. Fruit with whipped topping...find something you like Ms HOPE!