January, Goals, Check in

I like little goals. Here is what I will accomplish this January:

Starting Weight 212.5
I would like to lose at least 1 lb per week
Finishing Weight 208 or Less.
I will weigh in once a week. I hope I can find a gym type scale near home base in New Zealand.
I will eat well and track my food. Low Fat Vegan.
I fly from USA to New Zealand on 8th. I will do my best to MOVE every day.
I will drink water every day
I will enjoy my daughter Brie and Her daughter Matilda, 15 months!!!

Any wild and crazy horse women gonna help me?


  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Can I go to NZ with you???


    I'm here for ya!
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    Yes you can! Meet me in LA with your bottle of sleeping pills. I am Nana for 3 weeks! I saw Matilda last October when she was 5 days old. Now 15 months, GET This?..
    she understands English, Spanish (dad), and rudimentary Japanese and uses Australian Sign Language! I just hope she doesn't find me too dull. when I am on the main computer I will post a photo.

    she has had one pony ride on Veggie Mite! LOL I started Brie when she was 4.

    Of course you know my primary objective is to find a pony we can play with every day! Daughter Brie will spend time on her PhD but I am sure we will,have side trips. actually they live in Sydney but had to leave while the govt processes her visa renewal!? crazy.

    She siad it was Thailand ( hot) or New Zealand, and NZ no doubt has better Internet...and nice weather....60,70. That I can handle.

    I can't sleep. My body is used to the sedative effect of pm eating! also probably coming down from the family thing I,had yesterday. a lot of that raises my hackles. no one pushes buttons like your family! I am in bed with IPad. I am not getting up when it is dark! I am retired after all.

    Yesterday, The Family Thing and End of Holidays: I was very happy to see my brother and he looked like himself. He is 49 and just completed a divorce. totally blind sided him. My Dad with Alzheimer's was pleasant and was able to take the day in stride. my dog Annie loved seeing new people. my neice and nephew are teens and they did not disappoint! so the Family Thing yesterday had its high points
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Here are my goals for January (and months ahead)

    I would like to lose at least 1/2 lb per week or at least get back to pre-holiday weight.
    I will cut out the gluten and walk away from sugary snacks.
    I will follow my plan and track EVERYTHING everyday.
    I will have only ONE diet Mtn. Dew (It's an addiction) per day.
    I will drink more water.
    I will ride my horse on weekends (weather permitting of course).
    I will walk at least 3x per week or get on my dreaded elliptical machine.
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Hi guys

    Im back for January - first goal is to get back to the weight I was at when I left here through pure laziness ! I havent gotten the courage to weigh in yet tho after Christmas:-(

    To get my horsies fit again - didn't ride at all over hols - well once - cause it tipped with rain the whole time:-(

    Get back on the treadmill (no excusees I have one at home)

    To then start losing again....

    I have upped my calories from 1300 a day to 1500 to start with as theres nio way Ill go from Xmas calory intake to 1300 without slipping...

    Anyway thats enough for now:-)
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    Hey There!
    Nice to meet you. Pretty nifty clip job!

  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    Yesteray I had lunch out with a friend, her treat. she is a water drinker. I joined her. It is sort of like nothing. My daughter just has a habit of sipping water. I am working on the habit. I did have lemon AND lime.

    You guys would like the restaurant. It is tiny and in Cheshire Hunt Country. Called The Whip. all horse decor with horse things on 2 TVs. It's the place to go to watch Timber Racing...there are a handful of well known ones. The most famous is The Maryland Hunt Cup.

    I checked the web site...it's an English style pub! but with swanky food. for instance I had 3 tiny pieces of 3 different smoked fish. each on was on a pancake thing. Yeah for me.....I ate the first one and when I realized it was DEEP FAT FRIED, I poured salt on the remaining two! I knew I could not resist. LOL Yeah Me!

    My friends main order was a foot long plate of veggies, hummus, olives, cheese. I helped her out with the cuc and tomatoes and hummus. No dessert.
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Sounds like you did well! Clip job was last year - not gotten around to it this year yet:-( Struggling with work, pringles & other leftover Christmas goodies....
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    my goals are to

    - try to lose 1lb a week
    - ride each weekend - weather permitting
    - try and be more active during the week when I cant ride
    - drink more water
    - eat more fruit and veg
    - cut down on chocolate and crap
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    I don't blanket except for rain, thus no clips for us. I have towels and a Polertec blankie IF we have sweat. LOL I have to admit, we don't work hard. I like to enjoy nature!
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    I am actually looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow It's a day early but all of Tuesday is booked for Travel! first to warm sunny LA for a 5 hr lay over and then to Auckland. I arrive in the early morning and will try to stay up all day. Oh, need to get some Melatonin and pick up sleeping pils RX!

    If there is Wifi on the airplane I will check in from there!
  • TriPony
    TriPony Posts: 11
    Jumping in a week late but late is better than never! My goals for January:

    -Log all my foods EVERYDAY
    -Drop the 3lbs of holiday weight I gained plus another 4lbs to put me at 225lbs total. (Don't have the heart to change my ticker to reflect the weight gain but I can be honest with you guys lol.)
    -Hit the gym at least 3x week
    -Get over the cold and ride (or at least go on a trail) 5x week.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    I have been naughty with my food over the weekend - this is not a good start to 2013!! I need to plan my meals better
  • aznrd
    aznrd Posts: 10 Member
    I will follow my plan and track EVERYTHING everyday.
    I will have only ONE diet Mtn. Dew (It's an addiction) per day.
    I will drink more water.

    It's soooo hard! Those are big ones for me as well, but my list is. . .

    I will workout everyday (whether it's riding, walking, zumba-ing, etc).
    I will count calories and stay within my daily goal.
    I will not weigh in all month (I tend to obsess and get discouraged).

    Sounds easy enough, but I don't want to hold myself to ridiculous expectations, either. As I do better, I'll make it more challenging :-)
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    Tired of looking at photos or me in the saddle next to all my skinny friends. We take photos on every trail ride we do. HATE my thighs and not fitting into saddle "properly".

    Day 1 was yesterday. Hardest part for me....giving up my Starbuck addiction.
  • salsa81
    salsa81 Posts: 68 Member
    HI Guys,

    I'm back!!!!!!

    Taking one day at a time BUT here are my goals for January:

    -To track everday INCLUDING THE WEEEKENDS & be honest!
    -To ride every Sunday (weather permitting) and groom on a Saturday.
    -To lose 4 pounds - everytime I set massive goals I end up going backwards SO it's small baby steps from now on.
  • suzetteducrepe
    suzetteducrepe Posts: 34 Member
    Chiming in late as well, I think I've finally detoxed from the holiday sugar rush. I put some thought into what I'm doing here, and came up with this:

    Log my food every day, no matter what I eat.
    Ease into this, starting at 1700 calories a day, but will drop that down toward the end of this month.
    Start walking, again.
    Plan more meals in advance, buy healthier food, and eat regularly (I'm a nurse, this can get tough when I'm working)!
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    I can't wait til I have your weight loss!!! Really wonderful. I hope you take time to appreciate yourself!!
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    I never "allow" a side view photo! LOL
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    One small goal change. It is not realistic to get weighed here in Auchland but I will keep all the other goals. hopefully my SHORTS lol will be falling off me in three weeks. as luck would have it, my waist and hips are pretty much the same. cross your fingers!!!
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    No more pop.
    Coffee without cream and sugar - this one is going to be tough.

    Also, prepackage out all my "snacks" instead of having box in front of me.
    Amazing what a serving size is. No wonder I weigh so much!