


  • eternity365
    eternity365 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello to everyone. Happy New Year to you all, let all your pursuits will be successful:)
    My name is Edita and I'm 35. I live in Lithuania. I am Economist but currently I am unemployed.
    I started fighting my weight wen I reached 198, partially because my friend had heart surgery and had to change her style of living so I joined her as a support. When I reached 189 and moved to my native town I have rediscovered dancing and I am passionate dancer still. With help of dances and MFP I went to 160 last year. Later I left MFP behind and lowered intensity of dancing so part of the weight crawled back.
    I am here again for accountability. I need to find new ways to burn calories or to keep food intake in check as my dancing lessons went from 6 times a week down to 3 times a week.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Hi 2013 group! I am Melissa, 43 years old, I have 5 children, and stay-at-home mom to the 4 youngest (24, 15, 14, 10, & 8). I have weighed every number in between 135-248 since I was 18 years old but for the last 10 years I haven't weighed less then 200! Simply I love food, i eat when we celebrate and i m happy, i eat (or don't eat) when I'm sad and depressed. my greatest struggle right now is exercising... I did Zumba for the last 2 years, it toned and tighten my body, and was great cardio, unfortunately I burned myself out and lost motivation to go in October. I haven't been back since; my body is feeling and showing the lack of exercise!

    I've been on MFP since Nov of 2011 and actually managed to get to 198lbs back in Sept...I gained 17 pounds back! However, I now know getting below 200 is a reality for me. I joined the 2013 group for motivation, support, and accountability! I am just tired if being unhappy with my physical self, which effects my mental health! Also your body takes a longer time to respond as you get older and I don't want my body to feel old while my mind feels young.

    My goal 14 months ago was to get to 160...I didn't make it because I didn't put in the work to reach it. This year I feel differently! I will make it to my goal! I look forward to the progress of this group in the next year and will gladly listen, learn and motivated you all!

    Love M!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I am so excited to be a part of this group! I started MFP a little over a year ago and I lost 40 lbs or so on it by watching what I ate and exercising. Like some others on here I have a problem with stress eating and the last several months of 2012 were very stressful on me. I totally fell off the wagon, got tied up in the reins and just dragged along behind. I gained a good 20 lbs back. While things are still very stressful for me, I have decided that it's about time I put on my Big Girl Panties and deal with my compulsive eating. So here I am. I invite everyone to friend me if you want to and I promise that I will encourage and cheer you on all I can!
  • GSAllumbaugh
    GSAllumbaugh Posts: 70 Member
    Hello 2013 Group!! I am Kate, 43 years old, married, one cat and no kids! I work in marketing in the restaurant world (pizza of all things) and travel for my job a lot. My husband lost about 80 pounds a couple years ago with diet and exercise - crazy concept huh! I've been over weight since high school and recently reach my all time fighting weight. I'm finally ready to make a change!

    I can use all the help I can get - so friend me! I look forward to reaching my goal in 2013!!
  • aconner114
    I am new to this site. I am 51 and want to begin to reduce my weight slowly. ;I am planning to take baby steps. In the past the most effective way for me has been baby steps. there are still sweets in the freezer from christmas. I am continuing to either eat it or give it away. And my exercise goal is to walk 5 out of 7 days per week for 20 min,
    I have an exercise bag in trunk with sox. ought a jacket and pants to walk in and put a flashlight in the pocket and gloves, scarf and a hat. Preparing a bit everyday to reach each goal. then breaking it down. Ex needed batteries for my flashlight ect.
    Rinsed 2- 2 liter bottles for a daiy goal for water drinking per day. I drink about 1/2 of the 2 liters and am workingg on this everyday to drink more than the day before.
    bought blueberries, grapes and rasberries and counted out 12 of each into snack bags. Toss them in the freezer so I can grab a bag on the way to work.
    What do you do to accomplish goals and what goals have you set?
    could use a friend on this site and would love to get to know you --'Nita
  • aconner114
    tell me more about yourself. how old are you, kids, employed...???'Nita
  • idwoman
    Hi all! I'm Kelly ... 45 years old and owner of a photography business. In all areas of my life, I feel pretty much in control and very blessed. That is, until I face new clothes or the scale. And then I feel like an utter failure. I am just under 6' tall and spent most of my life much larger than my peers, but always was lucky to be athletic and proportionally built. Those proportions and athleticism, though, have slipped out of my grip and I am starting to feel very old, creaky, tired and very very flabby. I'm at least 50 lbs overweight, but would be delighted to lose 35 lbs! Now I just could use a lot of support. I'm ready to take on this challenge, and have a very supportive husband and children who are ready to help as well. And I'm REAL ready to be a cheerleader to anyone else who is starting this journey (or starting it again) right now. I hope we're able to connect soon!