Couch to 5K

Is anyone else starting the Couch to 5K program for this challenge? I figured it was a good timeline match up (9 weeks for the program, 10 weeks for the challenge). If anyone is interested, i can update my progress as the time goes by. My starting weight is 247 and I would like to lose at least 15 pounds during the challenge.


  • BluNinjaneer
    BluNinjaneer Posts: 32 Member
    I am! I actually started last week, so I am on Week 2 Day 2 (that's what I did this afternoon). I'd love to know your progress, since I have no concept of how fast I should be going or when that endurance should kick in. *smirk*
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    My husband and I will be starting Couch to 5K in the spring. I really want to start it right now - but where I live, it can get as low as -40 celsius, so it's a bit difficult... but I've heard really great things about it!
  • lrgarza82
    lrgarza82 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm down :) Are any of ya'll following a specific program? Mind sharing :)
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm interested too, but it's too cold to run now...I joined a running group 3 years ago and I have the steps to obtain this goal from a real couch potato spud to do and complete a 5K.. If anybody wants this routine, let me know, I'll be glad to share it. It can be done...I did it until I came down with the H1N1 flu two years ago. It really took a toll on my lungs, but I feel like I'll be able to start it again once it gets a little warmer here.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I loved the C25K program! I completed it in 2011. Good luck and stick to it! It really does work :)
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    starting next week
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I did it last fall and it's a great program. Now I run 5k at the gym average 3 times a week. I'm currently improving time and adding resistance! It totally works!!
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    That sounds good.
  • davidbronkalla
    davidbronkalla Posts: 28 Member
    Here is a link to the program for anyone interested:

    If you go there and scroll down, you will see the plan laid out. I decided to download the app on my phone for a more convenient way to use it.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I am going to do the Running Room one... 10 and 1 system. I love to run - my only problem is that I should probably buy a second pair of trainers as the snow where I live will muck up the ones I have and that would be sucky for the gym. Kind of excited. What is the time frame on the 5KM?
  • keekahari
    keekahari Posts: 52 Member
    I think I will start C25K.. been thinking about it.. so now is the time!
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all, I am starting tomorrow (Saturday). Are we keeping in touch on this forum as far as our progress, or not?
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    Is anyone else starting the Couch to 5K program for this challenge? I figured it was a good timeline match up (9 weeks for the program, 10 weeks for the challenge). If anyone is interested, i can update my progress as the time goes by. My starting weight is 247 and I would like to lose at least 15 pounds during the challenge.

    I was going to start it sooner, but since the official start date for this team is tomorrow 1/6/13. I will hold off and start it tomorrow. Feel free to add me, we can keep each other posted on our progress :)

    Good luck
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    I am doing it right now. Just finished week 3 and will start week 4 day 1 on Sunday. Good luck everyone who is doing it. Remember to get some good stretching in before and after!
  • MrsMcG106
    I am starting tomorrow! I've always wanted to run a 5K but am far from ready for it. I got about halfway through the program one time but then fell off the wagon. :/ Here's to second chances! Also, there is a treadmill version for those people who can't run outside this time of year.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am starting tomorrow! I've always wanted to run a 5K but am far from ready for it. I got about halfway through the program one time but then fell off the wagon. :/ Here's to second chances! Also, there is a treadmill version for those people who can't run outside this time of year.

    Thanks maybe I will look into the treadmill one since where I live right now it is to snowy out.
  • MrsMcG106
    Thanks maybe I will look into the treadmill one since where I live right now it is to snowy out.

    No problem. Best wishes!
  • nmccray918
    nmccray918 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm going to start doing it this week! I am terrified because I have only done a lot of running when I was about 100 lbs lighter than I am now and I don't know how my body is going to handle it. I have a feeling that it'll require me to repeat some weeks, but I'm okay with that. Best of luck to everyone who is going to be starting it.
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I will start it again tomorrow. I dont think I will start with week 1, but I will be starting it tomorrow as well.
  • MrsMcG106
    I did w1d1 today. It went better than I thought it was going to. The running was easier than I thought it would be. I'll consider it a small NSV!