Small steps to a big goal!

salp02 Posts: 24 Member
A friend of mine is also setting her goals to go to the gym with me at least 5 days a week during our lunch breaks.
Here are my personal goals to meet on top of our gym goal:
Step one: to eat only when Im hungry, salads {{all veggies}} for lunch,take the stairs.
Step two: Stay away from sweets. Not only for my gutt and butt but for my pearly whites, also.
Step three: eat whole foods


  • eckabad
    eckabad Posts: 49
    Yay! Good luck! eating out of habit instead of hunger is a hard one for me, I hope you do well!! :)
  • salp02
    salp02 Posts: 24 Member
    It is very hard! They have a"biggest Loser" program going on here at work that will hopefully motivate me to do better. We will see! Thanks!!