Hi Everyone! I'm New!

Hi everyone!

I've just joined My Fitness Pal this evening - having seen photos of myself this Christmas I have decided that enough is enough - I hate not being at a healthy weight & looking so awful!! 2013 I will lose the weight!! Planning on going to Florida for next Christmas so I want to look & feel fabulous for that. I've got about 60lbs to lose so it feels a little like Mount Everest at this stage :noway:
I'm from the Bournemouth area so feel free to add me :happy:


  • Danielle162
    Hi there - same as me - Christmas pics were horrific here. Good luck!
  • slimforparis
    slimforparis Posts: 51 Member
    Hi both - same here! I also want to look better in my holiday pics come the summertime. Good luck from another Dorset-ite (Dorset-er? Dorset-ette?) :smile:
  • starryskies_16
    starryskies_16 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've just joined My Fitness Pal this evening - having seen photos of myself this Christmas I have decided that enough is enough - I hate not being at a healthy weight & looking so awful!! 2013 I will lose the weight!! Planning on going to Florida for next Christmas so I want to look & feel fabulous for that. I've got about 60lbs to lose so it feels a little like Mount Everest at this stage :noway:
    I'm from the Bournemouth area so feel free to add me :happy:

    I know how you feel! I'm looking at an initial goal of losing 80 lbs (eek, where's the way out?!) but I'm just so completely fed up of carrying 80 lbs of useless weight around and seeing pics that make me cringe! By the end of it we'll be grinning down from that summit and wondering what all the fuss was about I bet! :wink:
  • fitandfabnat2013
    Hi and welcome! I've got 70lbs to lose but we can do it!! Feel free to add me if you like..I'm in Kent :-)
  • laineydollpg
    Hi everyone, I am new too. joined just before Christmas lost 2lbs but put 1lb back on over Christmas. My goal is to lose 100 to 110lbs. I started a while back after seeing a picture of me at my friends 30th birthday that horrified me and since have lost 35lbs and then hit a plateau. Which is why I joined, thinking something new might kick start my weight loss again. Please feel free to add me, I am from Dundee :smile:
  • javs_23
    javs_23 Posts: 17
    Hi! I joined about 45 days based on seeing some horrible photos and have a similar weight loss target as you, feel free to add me :smile:
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    Hi there and welcome.
    I rejoined after a years absence because of the pics of me at Christmas!! YUK!! I'm aiming to lose approx 50lbs and tone up and get fit AND give up the *kitten*!! That's MY Mount Everest ........... but I'm ready to tackle it all head on!
    I'm from the Southampton area and am also looking for MFP buddies as all me original ones have disappeared :-(
  • stressedmum73
    Hi I joined last week as need to shift weight...tone up and get fitter. I'm in Salusbury so not that far away so feel free to add me :-)
  • loubylou3
    hi everyone this is my 2nd day on here and i wanna lose around 48 lbs, the instigator was xmas photos where i look horrendous :(