Has anyone tried an elimination diet?

RWingate Posts: 5 Member
Just wondering if anyone else has tried an elimination diet to see what foods your body best responds too. If so, which diet did you follow? I did one a year ago that was pretty strick and saw really great results from it in weight loss but not in conception. After all the bad eating over the holidays I have noticed I have put on a few pounds and my skin is not clear and I have more hair growth. I tried to find the one I followed a year ago but had no luck. I am prepping to start next week on an elimination diet and thought I would check with you ladies to see if anyone has tried one that reduced there PCOS symptoms. The one I am looking at now that is closest to the last one I followed is at this site http://www.precisionnutrition.com/elimination-diet.


  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I'm going to check out that site today, but I'm about to do 4 weeks of no grain in my diet. I noticed that once I started eating better I stopped craving bread (still ate pasta/tortillas) and had way more energy/my skin cleared up. I started working out with a trainer and he suggested I try cutting out all grains so that's what I'm going to do. Maybe after the 4 weeks I could try adding in sprouted grains depending on how my body reacts.
  • RWingate
    RWingate Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I agree! The grains do a number on me as well. I used to eat a lot of rice and pasta but I have cut those out over time. I have noticed that I have issues as well when I eat too much cheese as well... which I LOVE! Overall I feel much better when I eat a diet high in greens and veggies. I eat a lot of wild game too and not a lot of red meat.
  • I just recently tried a somewhat extreme elimination diet. I went and read up on whole9life.com and you complete 30 days without grains, added sugar, processed foods, dairy, or legumes. Then after you finish your 30 days with no cheats (that is enough time to lose the psychological attachments to food and also gets those foods out of your system basically) you can slowly reincorporate those things into your diet to see how they truly effect your body. I just finished my 30 days on Monday and I am happy to report I lost 14 lbs in those 30 days. With my PCOs I struggle greatly to lose weight. I've tried calorie counting and going to the gym and no results. (I did also exercise within those 30 days.) I usually have to take metformin and victoza to lose weight but I did not take them at all in that 30 day period. If you look up paleo recipes you can find tons of foods that you usually eat made with much healthier ingredients and most of them you can use on your whole30. I do not have too many noticeable symptoms of PCOs other than the weight gain. I also have had sugar problems before due to my insulin level being very high but I didn't have any of those issues during all of this. I also just feel better without those foods. I hope this helps. There are testimonies on that website of people with different medical issues and there is someone on there with PCOs that had a lot of success. Good luck!

    PS- I am sticking with the paleo lifestyle and hoping to lose many more pounds!