No Dr. Pepper and going to bed earlier

Hi all, new to the group but needing motivation like nobody's business. I just weighed for the first time in a long time and after guessing my weight for awhile, it is higher than it's been in years. I am serious. I actually cut out Dr. Peppers before Christmas and have amazingly stayed with it. That is HUGE for me, I love them. So I want to keep that goal going for January and add going to bed earlier. I'm a homeschooling mom to a 14 year old and mom to a 20 month old so I need the rest and earlier mornings. Looking forward to the challenges!!


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Nice to meet you. I too am a homeschooling mom. I have been doing it since my oldest daughter was in second grade and she graduated last year.

    Congratulations on kickin the Dr Pepper kick. You will see a reward for doing so.

    I joined MFP in March or April of 2012 and that is when the weight really started coming off. The support here is great. I started my healthier lifestyle last year in July or so. Ironically my highest weight was in December 2012 of 198. Today I weigh 150/151. I say this to encourage you. You need to know you can do this. You will succeed.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    94...let me tell kyou if a grizzly bear like me can give up coffee the liquid from God....then you can and will kick Dr. Mean Pepper!
  • hht94
    hht94 Posts: 6
    Thanks to both of you! So far I'm not missing it as badly as I thought, I've tried kicking it before, but it found me. One day at a time! I thought I would drop a few pounds after stopping but not yet :-( was graduating a homeschooler? My son is 7th/8th so I have a few years but it's always on my mind.

    I actually had another MFP account but a cousin of mine was on there and it stressed me out trying to keep up with her. I know that sounds awful, but I guess the relationship we have, it's always been I'd lose weight, then she would, then I'd gain weight, etc...and she has done so well. I'm very proud of her, but still it stressed me out so I decided to sign back up this time around on my own :-)