Discussion: What is your biggest struggle?

For me, it's Pepsi. I've been replace it with water.


  • greencrayon23
    greencrayon23 Posts: 4 Member
    I hate vegetables, lol.
  • Algerina9601
    Algerina9601 Posts: 55 Member
    Sugar junkie! Not sure how I'm going to live without chocolate....:grumble:
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Pop. Any kind. I want it all.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I hate vegetables, lol.

    Me to. Working on that tho.
    Made some killer green beans tonight!
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    CARBS!!!!!!! :angry: ALL OF THEM!! :explode:

  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    eating out :(
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    Cokes...I love Cokes. Havent had one since Sat. Been drinking lots of water.
  • zoraiya
    zoraiya Posts: 38 Member
    I have been okay with removing certain things from my diet. No more sodas or fast food -- I thought those would be hard, but I haven't missed any of it. I think I would miss it more if I had been drinking soda with caffeine, but I would always drink caffeine free, so I don't have any headaches. If I want a treat (like Ice Cream), I let myself have it -- but I make sure to track it, and I don't have it often.

    My biggest struggle right now is with sodium! It is hard to cook fresh all the time. I cook dinner every night, but the other two meals are difficult. I had been buying the progresso light soup -- but I never tracked the sodium or even looked at the can. Tonight I noticed one can was half my sodium limit for the day, and I'd usually have 2 during the course of a day. Not anymore. Those cans will be coming out of my pantry and going to charity, as will some other things we have in our pantry that I never paid attention to.

    Over the next few days I am going to try to come up with something cheap but healthy not only with calories and carbs, but with sodium as well. I'm thinking I'll make my own soup, and freeze the servings so I can control how much salt goes into it.

    And ahhh.... look at those one word/sentence replies, and I write a novel.

    TLDR: Sodium!
  • mz_asher
    mz_asher Posts: 87 Member
    mine has to be rice! its a staple for me but ive learned portion control with it because I refuse to give it up. everything in moderation right :) Ive also been trying to mix things up by using brown rice and quinoa :)
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    My biggest struggle will be at work! They are all very food focused! I work with 8 women, no men. Every Holiday /Birthday is a reason for food day. I have walked past a plate of Peanut clusters for a week! YEAH ME. Also I have kicked 4 a day Diet Pepsi habit.
  • junevargas
    Sweets of any kind.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Hot n spicy pork rinds.
    Sodium is a really hard one for me. I went over by 1000 g yesterday but was way under on everything else. :/ & I didn't even it prepared meals.
  • debbluebird
    I'm on two medications that make me hungry most of the time. A few months ago I was off of them and I could really see the difference. DEB
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member

    Seriously...remember that chip commercial that said you couldn't eat just one? That's me....if I start it, I have to finish it, no matter what.....so I guess you could say portion control is my biggest issue at the moment! :ohwell:
  • MarleeJean
    Mine is stress snacking. I had an amazing day, then one dumb thing happens and first instinct, go for the snack. Im grateful tonights were Healthy snacks since i have zero junk food in the house, but it was definately and extra 300 cals that I didnt need. Imagine if that was fattening snacks. I wouldve thrown my whole day off. My weakness is "stress" snacking. I let dumb things get to me, and then i lose control. Definately need to find other ways of dealing. Like going for a walk or something. this will be the biggest feat mentally and physically for me. if i can beat the results from stress, id have a clear head and healthier body*
  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    Sweets, and not enough excercise is my downfall. At work I sit most of the day, but as soon as the holiday break ends (1.7.13) I'm going to park further away, walk the halls (at school) on my breaks. I'm pumped up about joining Myfitnesspal.
    I wish all you members the best of everything. I got your backs!
  • breeleedee
    preparing meals for work. i work in a residential house and sometimes the meals aren't healthy, and i don't usually have time to prepare a meal before going to work
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Losing control and total binging on fast food. Like, 3 drive thrus binging. It's terrible. Re-routed my way to work even! And sweet sugary cereals! I'm embarrassed to say I can eat a whole box of Fruity Pebbles in one sitting...
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Moderating carbs is difficult for me, but important because of my insulin resistance. And I'm trying to pretty much give up a lot of sweets because sugar just wreaks havoc on my system.

    Also, being so big is a struggle in itself. It's like I constantly want to do things, but I just physically can't. I need to learn to take it slow :smile:
  • rethadiet
    rethadiet Posts: 25 Member