support person/work out buddy

Hi everyone!
I am looking for someone to be extra support and maybe a work out buddy? I do Zumba in the north side of Edmonton at a community centre, and starting Monday I will be doing fit b!tch bootcamp on stony plain road if anyone is interested in doing that with me :) I want to lose 60lbs and 4 pant sizes, so if anyone is interested give me a shout....even if you just want to swap healthy recipes or check in once a week to make sure we are still on track...any motivation/support is appreciated :D
Thanks everyone!


  • melr01
    melr01 Posts: 70 Member
    I live on the southside so won't be able to work out with you but I will offer support and motivation. I think everyone needs that.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I'm on the southside as well. The bootcamp seems like fun, but stoney plain rd is far for me when I take public transit =(
    I will definitely support you though!!
    Feel free to add me =)