Now who wants some Fatback w/ their greens?! 1/4

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I have noticed something att he gym...I see more women who wear skimpy shirts or will role up their T-shirt and all I see is all thier fatback!!!!!!! I really don't want to see mine let alone yours!!! Do they think it cute?! NO it is not so let's do something about it folks!!!!!!!! or

Now if you want a really good upper body and I mean chest arms and upper back muscles try this move. You can even do it w/o weights just use your hands!
I say start small. I could do 5 at a time, pant like a dog then try 5 more...pant get idea. You do what YOU can do! Add it to your routine today even if you just do 3 reps. TRY it!

Working out can be so much fun!!!!! Tank tops here we come!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Unfortunately, at the gym I go to, because it's very small, most of the women in my Combat class are either slim little things or super toned/inshape with the exception of me and one other lady, and we're both like long t-shirts/tanks, ect and both of us are pulling them down as soon as they start to creep up! The biggest thing that gets me is buying shirts, I always get XL tops because I like my shirts loose and in the past few years, every shirt that I've bought is tight! Now I know I've lost and gained and lost again, but even at my biggest, my XL shirts that I had bought prior to the past few years were big, even in my scrub shirts, I have some that I've had for YEARS and they all fit loose, but I have three that I bought within the past two years, same cut, same size, but they feel like they're small (and of what I have gained back in the past year, I have not gained back to reach my highest weight!)
  • PandaBandit19
    omg that seems very difficult. i will try though... may only be able to do 2 at a time though
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    So, I'm going to toss out an alternative to "fatback with your greens". Realistically, collard/mustard/turnip/kale greens are insanely healthy for you. Sure, you're adding sugar and fat, but its still more healthy and low calorie than you could imagine. If you have the time, and a spare ham bone from the holidays, go buy some cheap greens (with vinegar and sugar) and try a new "southern" experience.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    So Mr AAK after you made that sound so good you bringing everybody some??!?!? Hmmm?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Fatback with their work so can't see the video. But I did add in some cucumbers and carrots for breakfast alongside that sandwich I had. Does that count?
  • hht94
    hht94 Posts: 6
    Ok, I tried them...girly style without weights and even just lifting my arms w/out weights I only made 1 set of 5 :-) But I tried.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Done. I only did ten but they were incorporated with 20 Second Fitness and Fabulous Abs in February routine. Oh I did them girly style. :wink: