Fighting Temptations

What are your best strategies for saying no when your friend shoves a donut in your face, or tells you that you're lame for skipping a party for the gym?


  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I had a huge problem during my last year or my course, I just finished a few weeks ago luckily!

    I had a class mate who was Fijian, and male, so he was lucky to have a fast metabolism, and he was always hungry! Me and our Mexican friend would always fall for his excuses to buy an other pie or an other snack with him during each break, it was terrible, and I didnt realize how much weight I had put on because of it until summer came again and I suddennly didnt fit my clothes as well anymore! I still fit into the same clothes as I did before I met him, but they are a lot tighter now! Working on loosing that again!
  • kamewuv
    kamewuv Posts: 6 Member
    When it comes to people that I know it is not hard for me to just say I don't eat that anymore or I don't like it. I don't necessarily like saying that I'm trying to lose weight or that I am dieting due to experiences growing up in which conversations would lead to my weight. I am a private person so my response is not questioned, it is very important to be straight-forward so that this does not happen again.