Hello from Hampshire!



  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Hi can I join?

    I currently live in Gloucester but grew up in Bournemouth and still have Family in the area. I've just started using MFP properly and its been a real eye opener. Would like to lose at least 28lbs but there is plenty of scope there for extra if I really get into it.

    Am not looking for mega numbers at the minute as am getting married next month so don't wanna go too mad lol but do want to eat properly and tone up at the same time so hopefully the flabby bits go to.

  • jenniferwren
    Hi,i live near the New Forest, im new to fitnesspal and just getting into the swing of using it! Im another snacker and an emotional/boredom eater Would love some support if anyone would like to add me. Weight has got me down for a while but got worse when I came a stay at home mum, now is the time to do something about it!

    I'm starting to thing that MFP is a good way of owning up to what you eat (obviously!) but that when I was on Slimming World I was accountable to them and not to me. I started to feel guilty when I'd been going to group and not doing "as well as I should have been". Bloody nonsense! And MFP is free! Very pleased I've found MFP and some lovely supportive friends - it always seemed like a competition to lose weight at SW and people tutted if you had a good week!

    Still only in my first week but love it so far. Even had red wine last night nom nom. Might have to start thinking about moving my *kitten* and doing some exercise soon...... :-)

    nodding along to all your points esp. being accountable to you! was only thinking that exact same thing today!
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    Hi,i live near the New Forest, im new to fitnesspal and just getting into the swing of using it! Im another snacker and an emotional/boredom eater Would love some support if anyone would like to add me. Weight has got me down for a while but got worse when I came a stay at home mum, now is the time to do something about it!

    I'm starting to thing that MFP is a good way of owning up to what you eat (obviously!) but that when I was on Slimming World I was accountable to them and not to me. I started to feel guilty when I'd been going to group and not doing "as well as I should have been". Bloody nonsense! And MFP is free! Very pleased I've found MFP and some lovely supportive friends - it always seemed like a competition to lose weight at SW and people tutted if you had a good week!

    Still only in my first week but love it so far. Even had red wine last night nom nom. Might have to start thinking about moving my *kitten* and doing some exercise soon...... :-)

    nodding along to all your points esp. being accountable to you! was only thinking that exact same thing today!

    Hi ya all i am from the New forest too, feel free to add me anyone biscuits are my naughty pleasure, i am new to MFP and am totally loving the easiest logging and tracking of calories ever. whoever creted this site I LOVE YOU.

    Bit confused about some of the slang people use sometimes but i am sure i will work it out eventually :)
  • PrincessPeachy78
    Hello, I'm also from Hampshire and new to MFP. Have been reading some of these posts and just wanted to say thank you for some of the good tips.
    Snacking is one of my biggest problems and Im finding it a hard habit to break but looking forward to trying a few of the suggestions that have been posted!
    Feel free to add me :)