5'4" Goal Weight

I'm almost 4 weeks post partum. I'm 5'4" with a very tiny frame. I was 115 Pre pregnancy and would like to get back to that weight. I'm currently 130.

Any other women out there 5'4" with a similar goal?


  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    That's exactly me. Except, I am 3 months PP. I can't lose weight breastfeeding. I was gaining and losing the same 4 lbs.However, after turning to work a month ago, my supply has been dwindling (pumping not efficient, baby rarely takes the breast when I'm home, or is lazy when she does). I've decided not to fight it.

    It was a lot of work to maintain my prepregnancy weight and I should finally have the time. I also got a Fitbit so that should also help.