Poll: Have you always been overweight?



  • robinhoward123
    robinhoward123 Posts: 106 Member
    I was always on the heavy side. But after I got married had kids I've been way over weight
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I always felt chubby as a child because my of comments from my well-intentioned aunt and grandmother. Looking back I was a size 10 at the time and should have felt good in my own skin. I got pretty thin in college and didn't start really gaining until I graduated and was on my own. I gained most of my weight (along with my hubby) when we were first married living on our own and making some really bad food choices. I gained weight with both of my pregnancies on top of that.
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    As a grade schooler I was always taller than the other kids and a little bigger, but not unhealthy heavy. I was in sports from 5th grade on. I played sports in high school and would have been considered fit at that point, but was never the fastest in sprints but I was there doing it. In college I put some on, but was about 165- 170 at 5'9". I maintained well into the first three years of my first marriage. Then everything went to crap in my marriage, and a good bit of my weight came in the next two years.

    In 2001 I lost 95 pounds on my own, ok with the help of a very good friend, who was at the time my boyfriend. Then... that relationship didn't happen, we were together for many years, but it wasn't the relationship I wanted.... Add more weight. Then started dating someone else, for about 6 months, he was very overweight and I thought he accepted me as me and I packed weight on when we were dating, then we broke up in a very sucky way, and more weight came on. Then I met my current husband. I have been at basically the same weight give or take 35 pounds since we met. He loves me just the way I am. But he also knows I am not happy where I am. He supports me in everything I do.

    The past year I have been trying to refocus my life on me. My mom passed away a year ago in January. The two years before moms passing I spent every weekend I could 2.5 hours away from my husband and home with my mom. Mom had alzheimers and dad cared for mom in the home till the very end.

    Now it is about me, losing the weight. And hopefully starting a family!!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I've always been chubby, looking at baby pics recently I really noticed it.
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    I can't remember a time I wasn't a little overweight, even as a child. I was really active in grade school and junior high; but I was still always the heaviest in my class. In HS, I played on the golf team so we walked a lot everyday, but I guess my eating habits messed up all of the activity; I used to snack all evening and our whole family drank a lot of pop too. Then of course, when I went away to college, I was free to eat anything I wanted any time day or night. I probably gained around 30-50 pounds during college. But I gained the last 100 pounds after I was married, it's happened gradually over the last 17 years. Laziness and fried food are what finally caught up with me!

    Occasionally over the last 10 years, I lost around 30-40 pounds on my own, several times as a matter of fact. But I seem to hit that point and go right back to my old ways. Then I gain it all back, and usually with a few more! Except for this last time....I lost 41 pounds, slacked off, gained back 25, and then caught myself before I could undo all of the good I had done and now I'm starting over again. Hopefully this time I will get it all off and be able to keep it off!!
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    I wasn't overweight until adulthood. When I'd grab fast food to & from work and never do anything active. Then, pregnancy, marriage and health issues have all contributed to what was already a problem and here I am today. :/
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    I became overweight 2 years ago when we found out I had thyroid ca. After they killed the thyriod I started putting on the pounds & it has been a struggle to get the weight back off.
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Heavy since age 4, judging by pictures. Lost some in high school, gained in college (frat parties, pizza, etc.). Lost weight in nursing school (not eating, hours on the elliptical studying). Lost again about 3 years ago (first time below 190 since middle school) doing South Beach, bulimia, and 3-a-day gym workouts.

    This time, I have changed my entire way of thinking. Easy, everything in moderation. Not an all-or-nothing mentality. Fall off, get back up and keep going....
  • cielbee
    cielbee Posts: 62
    I was normal weight until adulthood. By the time I was 23-24, I was 170 pounds. I gradually continued to put on pounds until now (46) I topped out at nearly 280 pounds. The last 25 pounds came in the last year and a half.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I was maybe a little over as a child and teen but not by much. I have gradually gained weight since getting married in 1994 and then this accelerated after breaking my ankle in 2008 i was around 220 at that time and started here 80lb up over the last 4 years. i realised that being so unfit was stopping me doing the things I want to in life and at 41 that is sad so I am turning my life around.
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    I wasn't obese as a child, but I have been overweight since the age of 5. I don't remember an age that I wasn't teased or made fun of because of my weight. I was 230 when I graduated high school. Now I'm 37 and have ballooned quite a bit since then. I AM down 15lbs from my highest weight and don't plan on ever seeing that again!
  • klg2013
    No, I was athletic as a kid and in high school. In fact, back then I was embarrassed of my muscular thighs...I thought they made me look fat compared to my friends with skinny legs. Boy, what I would give to have those thighs back now!!! haha!! I started having to fight to lose weight after I had each of my kids (I have 4 kids, 18-27 years old), but I did lose the weight each time. But about 5-6 years after my youngest was born, the weight started creeping up...and up...and up. I wasn't that happy with certain aspects of my life, and I used food for comfort and for "fun" (going out and eating with friends). So I went from a wedding-day weight of about 130 to my current weight of 237 over just the last 12-13 years....with lots of pounds lost and gained (repeatedly) during that time, of course!
  • Micheledo
    Micheledo Posts: 8 Member
    Nope only after I retired ,,several back surgeries and a divorce. Honestly probably only 12 yrs.I always watched what I ate and exercised
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I started getting over weight when I had my last child 7 years ago. I never had any problem with weight untill the fourth child so it was a shock did not no what to do and how it got so bad.
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I was 13 when my parents separated. I was never skinny before that, but the weight started going on then. It leveled out when I was a senior in high school. I had another personally traumatic issue and the weight went back on again and I have yo-yo'ed ever since with a higher swing on the top of the yo-yo every time.
  • Hollyhwk16
    Hollyhwk16 Posts: 9 Member
    Always, I can't remember a time when I looked and felt like everyone else.
  • Roserenee617
    Roserenee617 Posts: 3 Member
    As a child I was always "chubby". When I got into my teens I wanted to be a cheerleader. I tried out and made it and lost weight and was around 135 or 140. Had a breakup with my boyfriend in my senior year and gained 15 lbs. Whent to Bible School and gained probably about 20 more lbs. Lots of starchy high carb food! Although I was about 180 no one thought I was that heavy. I carried my weight well. I got married at 21 and in my first year of marriage put on 20 more pounds. My husband had a job that didn't allow him to be home early so we were eating late into the evening every day. I gradually put on weight from there. I was at about 225 when I finally got pregnant with my son. I only gained about 18 lbs when I was pregnant with him. After I had him though I kept gaining until I got where I am today 19 years later at 280 lbs. But here I am and I've got to get healthy. I notice so many things that are so much harder to do. Plus after I hit 40 I don't carry my weight as well! :(
  • EmilyJZ
    EmilyJZ Posts: 38 Member
    1. I was fat baby. I almost went to a normal weight in grade school but then I hit puberty at 9 and just ballooned! I was always at least twice as big as my other friends when looking back at pics.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    From pubertyish area.
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    When did you become overweight?

    1. Always (from childhood)
    2. Puberty/teens
    3 20's
    4. 30's
    5. 40's or later

    I have always been big. I remember being the biggest person in kindergarten, I was never small.