Kickstarting this group?

genisee Posts: 2 Member
I decided to join this group, even though it looks like it's hasn't been very active in the last few months. Is anyone interested in continuing the conversation here? Sure could use some support and advice with my pre-teen girls.


  • Yes! My preteen boy was doing better in the fall, but since winter has hit (and it hits here with a bang) we are housebound
    quite a bit because of the cold. Not that he wants to do winter type activities anyway..we are pretty limited with funds
    and the only thing that is really offered here is hockey anyway. He wants to get healthier but could care less about
    putting effort into it. I am really worried about him.
  • Kristy713ckm
    Kristy713ckm Posts: 54 Member
    Absolutely! I created this board. My 12 year old, homeschooled 6th grader is struggling with eating for comfort. He bought a Paula Deen pound cake with grandma two nights ago, and he's doing a great job making it last. But his addiction to food, and inactivity, is painful to watch. I'm on my OWN journey, struggling. Trying to make healthy dinners. Trying to not allow "unhealthy" foods that can't be controlled from coming home. Did you see this topic line?

    This was posted just yesterday and had THREE PAGES of responses already. I just printed them to read later. But I KNEW many many of us on this board must be watching our children who inherited our unhealthy habits and are struggling too. And if they SNEAK eat, and dont' want to go to the gym, how do you HELP them. At a certain point - you can't make a 2 year old, a 5 year or a 12 year old do something they don't want. And I'm THRILLED to get some idea's rolling around this group!

    Thanks genisee and projectxrebor !!! Let's get some thoughts rolling around!
  • Absolutely! I created this board. My 12 year old, homeschooled 6th grader is struggling with eating for comfort. He bought a Paula Deen pound cake with grandma two nights ago, and he's doing a great job making it last. But his addiction to food, and inactivity, is painful to watch. I'm on my OWN journey, struggling. Trying to make healthy dinners. Trying to not allow "unhealthy" foods that can't be controlled from coming home. Did you see this topic line?

    This was posted just yesterday and had THREE PAGES of responses already. I just printed them to read later. But I KNEW many many of us on this board must be watching our children who inherited our unhealthy habits and are struggling too. And if they SNEAK eat, and dont' want to go to the gym, how do you HELP them. At a certain point - you can't make a 2 year old, a 5 year or a 12 year old do something they don't want. And I'm THRILLED to get some idea's rolling around this group!

    This is exactly it...I bought my son a one month membership to my gym...he is unhappy with his body but absolutely refuses
    to do anything about it! He went on the treadmill but refused to go at a speed where it was faster than a snail's pace. He says sometimes he just doesn't care, he wants to just relax and do his own things (computer,read, etc.) He is 11 and almost as tall as me. (I am only 5'3.) I want him to feel happy with himself and have lots of energy. He had to get glasses last month and now
    he is being referred to an orthodontist for braces. He is self conscious enough without all that extra. I have asked him to please
    just focus on one habit he could was to eat oatmeal during the week but he hates it so bad that I said okay when he
    decided to drink more water instead.(He is constantly dehydrated and I refuse to buy sugary juice or pop...he drinks Silk which
    he loves but I won't let him drink any more than 3 glasses a day because that is just drinking his calories. Anyway, he has been
    drinking his water a bit better but no where near where he should be. I am hoping that he will agree to work on one habit at a
    time. I feel like a broken record though..."Drink your water, you need more sleep, eat your veggies, etc, etc. Does anyone
    find that it is hard to get them to do anything even besides healthy stuff, like get their homework/chores done, look after
    their pets, get to sleep, get up for school? is driving me crazy... Don't know if this is an age thing or something
  • Kristy713ckm
    Kristy713ckm Posts: 54 Member
    Wow, projectxrebor, you just described my life. But throw in "did you do your Homeschool Work", and my broken record matches yours. He goes thru spells of "I really want to lose weight" and he tries, to where he just can't put forth that effort, and he sneak eats and binge eats. And he's good at hiding it....

    You just want what's best. And you can't control them, and you can't make them. We've talked about consequences, but I'm not ready to "unplug the TV" to get him to do "what's right". I'm trying to let life's natrual consequences be the example.

    I just saw this post:

    But I haven't read any of it. We have a family membership at a small, private, local-owned GYM and we can go anytime, but day after day, none of us go.

    I'm still working HARD on creating my own "good habits". Guess I'm failing for him & me... :(

    Oh well, that's why the board is hear. I'm hoping to get inspired, be inspiring and share and create GREAT IDEA'S to get us ALL making wiser choices in food & exercise for our entire FAMILY!!!!

  • I'm still working HARD on creating my own "good habits". Guess I'm failing for him & me... :(

    YOU ARE NOT FAILING HIM OR YOU...Failing is saying, "I give up this will never happen"
    and you definitely do not seem to be doing that. I am working on trying to better my habits
    as well, and our kids are worth every drop of sweat and tears that we make in their effort
    for better health. It is not impossible so we have to stop telling ourselves internally that it is!
    It may take a bit longer but we will get there! Okay, I had better shut up or I may break out the
    pom poms. (I am stll scarred that my mom did not buy me a pair when I was 6. LOL) (You have
    adorable kids too by the way - your profile pic :)
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    I haven't been on message boards for ages but am still struggling with my 10 year old daughter. My son s doing great and has now been down in normal weight range since fall. He's also grown 2-3 cm, so now it's just maintenance for him.
    With my daughter , she's actually quite active but also has a very sweet tooth and doesn't know when to stop.

    Anyway, must be better looking at these message boards more often. Just been using the app for iPad to log, and almost never on my computer. But nice to hear the group is reviving!