What do keep track of?

ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
I am newly diagnosed..maybe a couple weeks if that.

What type are you? Insulin? Pills?
Do you count carbs? Or calories? Both? Or something entirely different..if so what?

I am curious to see what others do as I what I was told to do, I think is a bit flawed....I will fill in the blanks in a bit.
I just want to see what I was told to do compared to others and what their situation is.


  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    Hello I started out on Humalog 70/30 as a child and as an adult once I became pregnant went on humalog R and Lantus now I am on Novolog and Lantus. I do count carb to see how much insulin I need to take per meal and I count calories as well for diet purposes. The average diabetic should be on a 1500-2000 diet . I use to have an insulin pump but due to finances had to hold off and go back to the shots. Ive been on the shots most of my life so the shots dont bother me.

    Ive learned over the years that drinknig plenty of water, Exercise, and adding fiber to your diet really helps. I try to eat only snacks that have 4g or more of fiber. You will have to find what triggers your bs to be higher. For me eating pastas is what makes it higher.

    i hope this helps :smile:
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, i have type 2 however I am not on insulin. I 'm on Victoza (an injectable med ) and metformin. I am hoping with a bit of weightloss I will be taken off meds. White rice is my trigger food. I watch my carbs and sugar and calories as well. I'm trying to eat clean with good carbs and lean protein. One thing I noticed is that exercise also does help with my numbers.
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry I am using you guys as a sounding board.....how do you know a trigger is? Is it just from your numbers going up before and aft you eat? Won't that be every time you eat?

    I saw someone yesterday and she was of no help.."eat what you want" is what I was told but I am thinking I need to monitor carbs but I am not sure what to look out for to find my triggers.

    I am fortunate to only be type 2 right now...I test more that I was told to try and find a trend as what time of day is higher for me. I need to start eating dinners as I am suppose to take med also at dinner time.

    Here is to more weight loss in 2013
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    For me, my numbers are very high after i eat those trigger foods.. and also the way it makes me feel. I get sleepy, lethargic and sometimes headaches. You really need to watch out for carbs. especially the white stuff. (breads, white rice, potatoes and processed foods.). I'm still learning to get used to the good carbs such as brown rice and the carbs in vegetables.
  • MurderMeSomeFat
    MurderMeSomeFat Posts: 68 Member
    I can tell when my sugar is too high because I feel sick and my mouth is dry. I have had a few crashes since I started my lifestyle change. When I started, I was on 1000mg metformin twice a day and 4mg of Amaryl once a day. I am now down to 1000mg metformin once a day and my last A1c (in October) was 5.6%!!!! I eat 6 small meals a day, each meal with protein and I try to eat "clean" (If God didn't make it, I don't eat it). This has helped me A LOT. My doctor is planning on taking me off of my medications all together in April!!!!