Founders' Day

kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
Hi Sorors I was just wondering did you all have anything special planned for Founders' Day this year?


  • Aalsup08
    Aalsup08 Posts: 24 Member
    My chapter always celebrates together on January 15. This year we are going out to dinner together.
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    I thought I was going to be able to be in DC for Founders' Day but my job decided to move my training to another date. Visiting Howard is definitely on my to do list.
  • Aalsup08
    Aalsup08 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been to Howard a few times but the time I went for the Centennial celebration was awesome. I met 2 sorors who crossed Alpha chapter in 72 and 73. They took me on my own personal tour and explained ALL the history.
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Oh wow that is great! I pledged Spring 10 so I didn't get to celebrate our centennial. I'm sure that was really nice. I'm going to DC in August so I'm going to be sure to go to Howard. Hopefully I can come across some Alpha Chapter Sorors. I just found out yesterday that I'm in charge of planning my chapter's founders' day celebration so I need to get started!!
  • Aalsup08
    Aalsup08 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh wow! Your just a baby. Lol. Good luck with your planning. I am sure it will be great. BTW... themes are always great (scarves, pins, hats, etc.).
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Lol yes I'm just a baby but thanks so much for the idea. I will definitely have a theme. I like that idea. Thanks so much!
  • dub73
    dub73 Posts: 70
    We had dinner on 1/12. It was very nice. On Tuesday, we are being honored in our district. Pretty cool, huh? Don't forget to wear your pearls!!!!!!!
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Happy Founders' Day Ladies!! I would just like to take time to wish you all a day and say how I'm so pround of our 16 Precious Pearls for founding our Illustrious Sorority!! Skee-Wee my Sorors!!