
Hello fellow Mami's

I just joined this group today & just joined myfitnesspal yesterday!! I'm excited to try this out and see how things work for me. I'm a 23 year old mommy of a beautiful 11 month old babygirl. Before I had my daughter I was a little self-concious about my weight but it wasn't to bad. Fast forward to today and i'm very self-concious about my weight. I am 215lbs. which is the biggest iv'e ever been
:( first I had my baby which by the way was through c-section so now i have the dreaded "pudge" which I doubt will ever go away. Next.....i got on the depo shot for birth control after I had my baby which was a bad idea because I gained more weight off of that. I was on the depo for 9 months until i got off & now i'm on the pill. Due to the depo & from when I was pregnant my eating habbits have become HORRIBLE. To top it off I have a desk job which means I barely get up from my seat. All these factors have led me to where I am today.

I joined a gym last week and have made a commitment to go three times a week and I also have started to change my eating habbits. It's time for me to gain back my self confidence for my self and so I can also be a role model for my daughter for when she gets older. Wish me luck mami's!!!