
Hi my name is Kelly i'm 25 and live in NY and I thought that I should introduce myself. I was diagnosed with SLE at 20 and have been on a number of medications that kind of balanced out within the past few years. I'm happy i'm finally off of prednisone. I have gained a lot of weight while trying to find the right medication regimen.

I am turning to this board because I have been afraid of trying to lose weight because of joint pain and the fear of injuring myself. Also because of the chronic fatigue that I might start this journey and give up when my body is tired. If there is any advice as far as nutrition or exercises that won't aggravate the condition or stress out the body too much I am all ears.

I am here to learn and share my journey.


  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Kelly!

    Congratulations on getting off the prednisone! We all love and hate that drug :P
    Luckily, the weight gain from prednisone is mostly water weight. You will find that coming right off within two weeks of trying to lose weight.
    Let me tell you something, exercise is your friend if done right(Like, don't start off with vigorous exercise. Start with light exercise and work your way up) . That fatigue and joint pain goes away with exercise. You will in no way injure yourself, trust me.
    I'm not sure if you have been told this but this is important: Stay away from processed foods!! Those worsen our conditions. Eat a lot of greens!!
    Being in a country where processed foods are king it will be hard but you can do it! Incorporate pineapples, cherries, raisins and cinnamon into your diet as well. Those are nature's anti-inflammatory drugs.