Back to work struggles

mexico4fun Posts: 31 Member
Heading back to work often creates challenges. Phone calls, emails, colleagues, work deadlines, goes on and on and then repeats when you arrive home. Have you had a change in attitude to remain in control of your food and fitness goals despite all of the demands?
How will you make this happen today?


  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    This is definitely my challenge (except there no back to work, I never got a break LOL) - despite my best efforts to cut back on work this year, because of an overflow from December and jobs that just seem to get bigger and bigger, my workload is still overwhelming. However, I HAVE adopted a change in attitude - I've been doing a lot of soul-searching, and I've realized that I have let work control and dictate my life for far too long, to the point where last fall I just didn't have a life at all. That has to end - while I like some of what the hard work has gotten me, overall I'm not happy with where my life (or lack thereof) is at.

    So, my new approach is to let go of the goal of trying to get caught up on top of work. Instead, I have a plan to put in X hours a day, and I have started scheduling in exercise and social activities, and I'm not cancelling my plans just because I'm not done with work. Life is too short. So far, this seems to be working. It's a little stressful, because a few projects are overdue, but I just keep reminding myself that even if I squeezed in a few more hours by skipping my workout or not going out with friends, I still wouldn't get caught up (been there, played that game, lost), and I would be miserable and feel like crap. And, I've found that going to workout helps clear my head, so the hours I am working are more focused and productive. I'm still trying to cut back on the work I take in, and February looks a bit more manageable, but I'm not going to keep putting off living til that magical day of a reasonable workload comes along.
  • mexico4fun
    mexico4fun Posts: 31 Member
    Good for you! Honestly, I have spoken to many of my male counterparts and they actually only schedule 1/2 of their day. They leave the other 1/2 open for "other stuff" that happens. My problem was that my schedule always was back to back with little "open time" because everyone would just whine and say....can't you just fit me in. I have tried to be more "manly" in saying "No, sorry, how about two days from now?" People now respect my time more....including me.
    It gets easier over time but it definitely is a shift in not trying to please everyone else and setting boundaries for yourself to live!
    Keep up the good work and changes and let me know how it works for you.