What to do next?

Callalili Posts: 119 Member
I have 3 days left in round 1 of P90X. I loved the program but didn't lose the weight I hoped to. I did gain muscle and lost inches but a 3 lb loss doesn't make me happy for the amount of time you need to dedicate. So I'm trying to decide what to do next. Insanity or another round of P90X, or a hybrid of the 2? I did 2 rounds of Supreme 90 before P90X and have gained a lot of strength in the last 9 months and I'm afraid that doing a cardio only program will cause that to go backwards. Will 2 months off of weights matter? I'm leaning towards a round a Insanity then back to P90X, in hopes that I can lose some of the weight I still need gone. Although one of my goals for P90X was to be able to do an unassisted pull up, and I didn't meet that.


  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Ok..my thoughts (for all they are worth)

    Lifting - is all about building/maintaining muscle mass. Having muscle burns fat continuously, even at rest. Shoot for twice a week.

    Cardio - is all about caloric burn and heart health, so if you wish to burn calories, this is the way to go. Shoot for 4 days a week.

    Rest - is all about rebuilding. You should ALWAYS have 1 day of rest a week.

    Now lets focus on diet.

    You can not exercise yourself thin nor is exercise a license to eat whatever you want. Regardless it is still calories in vs calories out.

    What type of food does matter. Your body receives more nutrients out of clean eating. Sure we all have a cheat day now and again, just make sure you are eating 75% good 25% bad over the long haul.

    If I can be of any more help, just holler :flowerforyou:
  • avinalaff123
    avinalaff123 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't forget also that muscle is really heavy, weight isn't a great measure of success so don't let this get you down - if you've completed P90x you're undoubtedly much healthier and fitter than when you started...great stuff!!!

    With regards next steps, I can tell you that I'm on my 3rd round of Insanity (which really lives up to it's name!) - I really love the amount of effort it requires and I understand that some of the workouts can burn up to 1000 calories!! Well worth a try.
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I am most definitely in the best shape of my life. I feel better now at 38 than I did at 20 (although I weighed less then). I'll be taking some photos this weekend so I can compare to my pre-p90x photos. I can't see it myself, but I have been getting lots of comments (good ones) lately.

    I think I'll give Insanity a go. After 9 months of p90x similar workouts (2 rounds Supreme 90 and 1 round P90X) I'll mix things up with more cardio. I can always switch back or add in some strength days if I want.

    And along with the reasons for exercise kel mentioned (which I was already aware of and neither program really fits that but they are fun and keep me motivated), I exercise so I can eat more. Not everything I want and I do my best to keep the junk out. But sitting around trying to lose weight on 1200 calories a day is not my idea of fun. I eat 1720 a day now (I'm 5'2") and even still wonder if that's not enough. I may bump that up to 1800 or more during Insanity.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am most definitely in the best shape of my life. I feel better now at 38 than I did at 20 (although I weighed less then). I'll be taking some photos this weekend so I can compare to my pre-p90x photos. I can't see it myself, but I have been getting lots of comments (good ones) lately.

    I think I'll give Insanity a go. After 9 months of p90x similar workouts (2 rounds Supreme 90 and 1 round P90X) I'll mix things up with more cardio. I can always switch back or add in some strength days if I want.

    And along with the reasons for exercise kel mentioned (which I was already aware of and neither program really fits that but they are fun and keep me motivated), I exercise so I can eat more. Not everything I want and I do my best to keep the junk out. But sitting around trying to lose weight on 1200 calories a day is not my idea of fun. I eat 1720 a day now (I'm 5'2") and even still wonder if that's not enough. I may bump that up to 1800 or more during Insanity.

    You go girl!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am in a quandary as to what to do next. Thinking a hybrid of nrol4w and turbo jam...:huh:
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    If you want a program that will offer some cardio results close to Insanity, but also some upper body lifting (not anywhere like P90X, but still some decent upper workouts) you might want to look into Les Mills Combat. The combat cardio routines are awesome!! But, if you get the package with the extra workouts, you get upper/lower body routines that are very nice and a break from all the kicking and punching. Being an Insanity grad, I can speak for the calorie burn and it's great in both Insanity and Combat.. Good luck with whatever you decide..
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    I browsed a Georges st pierre workout video and it incorporates weights. It looked like a great strength/cardio video program. Maybe check out reviews and if there are results videos on YouTube.
  • Coach_T
    Coach_T Posts: 462 Member
    I would recommend Insanity, if your goal is lose weight, lose inches, tone and increase your core strength. I completed Insanity in December 2012. It was high intensity cardio. I will say be careful if you have knee problems. I'm currently on week 7 of P90x. I agree with you when it comes to P90x, I have gained muscle, but the cardio is not as intense as Insansity was. So I add extra cardio workouts to my P90x workouts.