hello new to group

Hello im new to this group and i just want to make some buddies and loose weight and most of all have my body back and feel healthy and not so tired.So my baby just turned 1 in december ,but i only gained 8 lbs through out my pregnancy and i lost an additional 20 lbs after delivery but around 5 Or 6 months of having my baby i gained all that weight back and more..Now im trying to loose it but its so hard.So i just started my diet on Sunday and been working out like crazy and trying to eat healthy but the only thing i nedd to loose weight on is my belly why must that be so hard.


  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    You can do this - just keep at it! Remember to be consistent and push yourself.

    Feel free to friend me for support.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    Stay active on here and make some supportive friends. I've "met" some wonderful people on here and even though we've never met and probably never will they keep me motivated and inspired.
    My baby turns one next month so I'm about the same place you are as far as timing. Still struggling to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but now that I've stopped breastfeeding it is finally coming off. Slowly... but that's the healthy way so maybe it will stay off.