My Intro!

I'm 20 years old (1.5 months for being 21!) happily married, and recently had a baby! (shes 5 months old) I've always been heavy until when I was 16-17 I starved myself and lost 90lbs and dropped to 180lbs (smallest I've ever been) size 13 jeans size medium shirt. I was so happy! Well I started eating meals again and gained IT ALL BACK + SOME!! So at my biggest weight I decided I needed to lose some, last year I lost 45lbs and ended up PREGNANT(we were trying for a year, and losing those 45lbs made it happen, imagine that, too fat to get pregnant right away.. slap in the face to me..), gained back all of that plus 35lbs! By the time I had her and at my 6 week appointment I had a new biggest weight and my high blood pressure from my pregnancy stuck around.. Can you say embarrassing? I'm surprised the doctors scale didn't say ERROR or I didn't have a heart attack.. ! I had a breakdown, and realized I need to change everything about me. I started staying away from salt and by 4 months post partum my blood pressure was normal, and now I'm watching my calories! I limit myself to around 1,800cals as told by my doctor and I've already lost 11.2lbs. By first goal is to be -21 by my 21st birthday! (Only 10lbs to go!) and I would like to be -60 by my daughters 1st birthday (7months away), I think if I work hard enough its toally doable! I just can't give up, I need to be strong and healthy for my daughter and my husband.


  • brittanyolguin
    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! thats so awesome. sick with it and im sure you'll make both of your goals! ROOTING YOU ON!!! :)<3
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    A BABY! What a joy :) Well, I think you've got great goals, and a great mind set! (as long as you dont starve yourself again). I'm so glad to have you participating in this group!! I look forward to seeing your progress and your baby grow! We can do this together! Keep it going, I'm here if you need any advice. Maybe you could write an entry on how your motherhood affects your weight loss!! I'm sure some of the other girls are moms too and would love to hear from you!
    Talk to you soon!
