What are your 2013 goals?



  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Okay so this is going to sound CRA-zy but........my 2013 goal is to be "in shape" by November 22nd. What's Nov 22nd you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Catching Fire (Hunger Games) comes out Nov 22nd and I want to look GOOD for the midnight showing so I can cos-play Katniss. Crazy right? It may be but it's helping to keep me focused and driven. I have to have a District 12 (not really cuz I like muscles and food) body by Nov 22nd.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Okay so this is going to sound CRA-zy but........my 2013 goal is to be "in shape" by November 22nd. What's Nov 22nd you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Catching Fire (Hunger Games) comes out Nov 22nd and I want to look GOOD for the midnight showing so I can cos-play Katniss. Crazy right? It may be but it's helping to keep me focused and driven. I have to have a District 12 (not really cuz I like muscles and food) body by Nov 22nd.

    LOVE IT!:heart::laugh:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    1. Lose 16 pounds of fat.
    2. Gain 5 pounds of muscle

    I just want a decent enough to be able to attract guys.
  • Kejlina
    Kejlina Posts: 31 Member
    While I do plan to eat healthier and move more this year, I haven't made it an official new year's goal.

    My big goal for 2013 is to create more. I'm learning a new art technique every month. :)
  • slowly_changing12
    slowly_changing12 Posts: 192 Member
    move to los angeles and look sexy for the summer!!!!!
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    going away in june time when I've finished uni

    so I want to lost at least 10kg by then.......i'm trying to work hard
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Mostly, I want to stay on track; I lost about 30 lbs in 2012 and I feel like that's a good pace and I'm getting good results. I want to keep eating well (and enjoying my new passion for cooking), and keep pushing myself physically to see what I can accomplish (I keep surprising myself!)

    But, if I was really honest, my deep, dark confession is that what I REALLY want to achieve in 2013 is something like this: 294ny35.jpg


    I have no idea if that's at all feasible, but boy would that ever help with my body image issues. I keep hoping that under my soft bits there is a straight-up-and-down, muscled, boy body somewhere.

    Also, I'm planning a tattoo (I have a consultation booked for May) - a half-sleve - and I want to rock it in a tight tank top :) (though, I probably won't actually get inked until the fall, but hopefully I'll have at least a few weeks where I can show it off before the snow flies)...
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    gain muscle and get defined, simple as! (newish to the forums so feel free to add)
  • HuneeBunee08
    Besides lose 100lbs.. i want to be able to complete a 10k or run a 5k without stopping
  • NanahcubJess
    NanahcubJess Posts: 12 Member
    In 2013 I would like to...

    Lose fifty pounds and get back to my healthy high school weight.

    Get back to my bike a couple times a week.

    Wear a dress. With confidence.

    And keep all of my santity while trying to accomplish these goals along with full time school and work.

    Alright. Let's get it done. :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I want to have toned arms and a 6 pack. I'm at a good place size-wise but maybe I need to eat more protein and work out more.

    But my biggest goal is to help my girlfriend lose weight. She's 4'11" and has about 15 pounds to lose. I could never figure out why she's not as thin as a rail-- she eats less than I do, and since I do all the cooking her diet's pretty good. She's not quite as active as I am (she spends 9-12 hours a day working at a desk job and sleeps a lot on the weekends) but does work out a few times a week. I'm not sure what advice to give her, except that it's going to take some time for the weight to come off when you're as small as she is. She's stressed all the time and I wonder if it's affecting her metabolism somehow.
  • MissBev4lif3
    MissBev4lif3 Posts: 16 Member
    Lose 100lbs, run/jog/walk a 5k, start a business
  • Dani_Strength
    Dani_Strength Posts: 44 Member
    After i finish round 2 of P90X im going to do a hybrid of Tapout XT & P90X
    Two 5k's
    Build lean muscle & strength
    Make a webpage
    Become a Certified Personal Trainer
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    Lemme see ...

    *Lose the last ~20 pounds (I say ~ because I'll know as I get near that whether or not my goal weight actually feels/looks healthy or not)
    *Lift heavier and build some rockin' muscle (this, of course, means that my current goal weight may be too low or too high, so as long as I am strong, healthy, and sexy, I'm gonna call it a win!)
    *Cosplay at Dragon*Con 2013
    *Run a zombie 5k in September

    That's enough, I believe. ;)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Really impressed with everyone's ambitions for 2013 and progress so far! I'd love to have more of y'all as friends here!
  • Nirlbou
    Nirlbou Posts: 27 Member
    6 pack, and some rear delts that pops.
  • RyanRobertJ
    RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
    Time to finally update this! I haven't followed up on my thread, but I've made progress. Gonna keep at it now :)

    Jan. 7th - 230
    Jan. 28th - 223 (-7)
    Feb. 4th - 222 (-1)
    Feb. 11th - 219 (-3)

    I didn't weigh in between the 7th and the 28th. The reason I lost so much was because the holiday pounds melted back off. :) I got an infection recently as well, and it took me a few weeks to fight it off, so I wasn't really able to exercise. Eating right helped me continue to lose anyway... and now I'm ready to get back to it.

    GOAL: 11/30 pounds dropped. 15 weeks left. In another 5 weeks or so, I think I'll definitely adjust my goal, because I started with 20 weeks and I'm going to smash it.
  • RyanRobertJ
    RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
    Reading all your goals is really inspiring :) The Hunger Games goal is hilarious, but it's not any lesser of a reason than anyone else. Getting in shape is getting in shape. I'd love to hear some updates! We can all do this.
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    I ordered Peak Fit System (similar to P90X and Insanity) and my goal is to be able to do all of the DVDs efficiently, effectively and fully (not all at once, of course). I'm hoping that will lead to a 10lb weight loss and a lot less cellulite.

    I also just registered for a 5k in late March. I hope to run the entire thing instead of walking parts.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    My goal is to run 13.1 miles. I signed up for my first half marathon which will take place in May. It's the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. I'm scared, but excited at the same time. I also want to lose 45-50 pounds.