142 to hopefully 125

bell223 Posts: 3 Member
Hi my name is Rebecca I am a single mother to a very handsome 5 year old. Before I had him I was very active cheerleading, track, advance gym, and constantly going and than after I had him the weight stayed on even though I tried or at least say I have. than I recently got laid off thats how I got to 142. I have slowly started working out and watching what I eat but I have a huge weakness to chocolate. So anyone with any advice or some kind ideas to help please help!!! Thanks for listening


  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    try telling yourself no chocolate for two weeks..just two weeks.....
    (and not substitute it for another sweet :)
    after that your cravings will be different.
    i was def a junk food junkie and stayed away for the two weeks (following south beach plan) and
    it really did change my daily cravings for sweets...
  • Instead of telling yourself you can't have it why not buy your favorite kind in small packages (eg get individual dove chocolates). Freeze them.
    Each day take one out
    Set a small daily goal (which does not have to be weight related)
    Reward yourself upon reaching that goal with ONE chocolate.

    This will keep you motivated and ward off the feeling that you are depriving yourself.

    Freezing them keeps you from scrafing them all down (well, without chipping a tooth at least)