Dill Pesto

katy84o Posts: 744 Member
Earlier this week a bought some dill from the grocery store. They only had huge bunches of it so I bought one. I love having dill with smoked salmon and I got almost 4lbs from work. So i'm dividing it into portions and freezing it. Anyway.. I had so much dill and I wanted to do something different with it so it wouldn't go to waste. I made dill pesto! It's awesome!!
I used approx:
100g fresh dill,
1/4-1/2 cup unsalted peanuts,
1/3 cup olive oil,
1/4 cup water,
1 oz fresh grated parmesan cheese,
3 cloves garlic
squeeze of lemon juice

It made about 1.5 cups. I put about 1 cup in the freezer and plan on having the other half for the next couple of days along with some of my smoked salmon!