Going to a party....need some tips!!!!

I'm going to a family party this weekend....I don't know what kind of food there is going to be so am struggling to prepare myself or plan ahead.

I was just wondering if anybody had any tips or advice that they could share with me to help me stay on track!

Thanks everyone


  • heathermstrom
    If it's a potluck party, that would be ideal! Then you could bring something that you know that you can eat (and not feel guilty about). Even if it's not a potluck, you could bring a dish to share anyway, open up healthy options for your family as well :)

    If that's not an option, I would either eat ahead of time or bring healthy snacks. You can still eat what is provided, but everything needs to be portion controlled.

    Let us know how the party goes and good luck!
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    The best thing to do is to choose the healthy options and avoid the really greasy, fatty foods. If needed, bring a salad or something with you to eat.

    If your family is anything like mine, they love food, and all kinds. We basically eat 4 meals a day on holidays because hor dourves is a meal all of its own!

    Just stick to portions and counting. You can even still have a few of the bad things in SMALL PORTIONS if ou want, but count it out, and don't let yourself just let go.

    Good Luck!


  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    Me too! This weekend, the whole weekend! Plus no internet where I'm going... So I wont be able to log for two days.

    What I intend to do is keep in mind the portions, and try to burn calories. Sometimes in this things there are not so many healthy options, so I'll see!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • chelsiem87
    chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
    I feel you pain sister!! lol I'm attending my workplace holiday party (yeah I know it's after the holidays). It is tomorrow night and we were able to sign up to bring something so I am taking a croc-pot recipe called turkey chili. I made it before for a work party and 3/4 of it was eaten up!! Not to mention, I doubled the recipe :bigsmile:

    Good luck and I'll be thinking of you as I'm using self control and portion control as well during our party!!