What is your initial lifting weight??

To all newbies who have started Stronglifts, how heavy are you lifting and what warmup did you do? I attempted Workout A last night.

2 sets of warmups without weights for squats.
Squats: 15 lbs
Bench Press: 15 lbs
Deadlifts: 22 lbs

Felt like a wimp: :embarassed:


  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Why feel like a wimp? You are doing great by taking the first step and picking up free weights! I started with the recommended weights in the sticky, but I had already worked through a couple of stages of NROL4W and felt like those weights were a good starting point for me. My current weights are:
    Squat: 90 (did get 100, but focusing on form - so I deloaded and am working my way back up)
    Bench: 75 (w/failure)
    Row: 85
    OHP: 65 (w/failure - looking for some fractionals)
    Deadlift: 165

    You will progress quickly. More so on some lifts than others, but any progress is what you are looking for...so just keep trucking along and you will do great!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I used a 23lb weight and a 36lb weight (one of my gyms has a lame weight area - so i use my other gym now) on my first workout A, and was SO SORE!! It really hurt to move for days. Workout B I used the barbell, 45lbs.

    Didn't do OHP till a couple weeks in, and can't lift the barbell over my head so I used 15lb weights. Makes me feel weak but at the same time I'm always adding weight for squats.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    You are not a wimp!!! You are doing something that so many other people should be doing! And trust me - In a month - you will be amazed at the progress you will have made. Great job just starting - good luck with everything!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    To all newbies who have started Stronglifts, how heavy are you lifting and what warmup did you do? I attempted Workout A last night.

    2 sets of warmups without weights for squats.
    Squats: 15 lbs
    Bench Press: 15 lbs
    Deadlifts: 22 lbs

    Felt like a wimp: :embarassed:

    Oh, we're all different. Don't feel wimpy.

    I've been lifting heavy on machines for about a year before I finally decided my core and back were ready for free weights. So I also just started this week.

    OK, I've been leg pressing 220# (up from 90# when I started) but guess what I'm doing on the squat? Zero. That's right. Zip, zilch. I can't even do a proper squat with a 10# bar. So I'm working on form without weights before moving to squats. I really thought I would be stronger than that.

    Bench press was 30# and deadlift was 50# but, then again, that's probably due to a year of lifting on the machines first. And I really expected to do higher weights on those as well. Have had to cut my weight from the machines considerably to maintain proper form.

    But, wow, even with less weights I can see that this is a far better workout than the machines. It zapped muscles I didn't know I had. And I've also been doing a lot of bootcamp classes with lots of bodyweight routines so I really thought I had already discovered every muscle that might get tired and sore. Not. I found some new ones, LOL.

    Enjoy the process. We'll both be moving onto the Olympic bar and heavier weights when we're ready and it's all good.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I started with a bit more, but I'd been lifting with free weights with a trainer for several months before that (not barbells but still free weights) and we'd made progress. Also I've never had any flexibility issues to fight against so that helps a lot.

    Don't feel like a wimp - you're only a wimp if you never make forward progress. I guarantee you will double most of those weights very soon.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I feel the same. I just started as well currently doing squats 20kg, bench press 15kgs I need to increase this but smallest weights I have add another 2.5kg which is too much when by myself , barbell rows 20kg, Deadlifts 45kg
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
  • csimpson954
    Definitely not a wimp! I have been having that same insecurity though :)

    I started Monday and did 35# squats, 35# bench, and 65# rows. Wednesday I stayed at 35# squats to perfect form and that makes a huge difference! Ohp is 35# and deadlift is 85#.

    Tomorrow I'm upping the squat to 40 and am terrified lol! I'm also upping the bench to 50 BUT only bc I'm doing floor presses until I get a decent bench. I will def have to deload a lot once I'm doing a full bench! I'm also going to attempt to up the rows to 70.

    I am pretty sure I will have to repeat workouts multiple times before I can add weight! Tomorrow is only my 3rd day and I had never even touched a Barbie weight up until 2 weeks ago and I can already feel the difference. I can't see it of course, but feeling it is pretty awesome :) Hang in there! I think it will be worth it!
  • wannalosew82
    wannalosew82 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you all for your supportive replies. Today is workout B. Plan on lifting a little heavier. I guess I was intimidated doing the squats with perfect form and weights. I am thinking of going as low as i can with a heavier weight and continue to attain perfect form. Will post how today's workout goes.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Those "in the know" always say that form is more important than weight. Get the form nailed down, then add the weight. You don't want an injury and the exercises are more effective on the intended muscles when done correctly.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    ^^^^This. You will see a lot of in the group go up in weight, then go back down to focus on form...increasing again, and back and forth trying to nail perfect form, since there is always room for improvement.