Day 10 - where's the post??

Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
Just checking in to see who's completed day 10? I just did my 30 day shred workout and I think I'll stay at level 1 tomorrow and then try level 2 on Saturday when I'm not so tired after a long workday. We'll see how it goes. Can't believe I've worked out 10 days in a row. Feels really good. Also, I thought we were going to measure on the 10th day and record our weight again, but I think I"ll log that in on Saturday too when I have more time in the morning. I don't like taking measurements in the evening after a workout cuz I'm all bloated.


  • kanncm
    kanncm Posts: 139 Member
    Day 10/Level 1 done for me. I lost 1&1/2 pounds and 2&1/2 inches (1 in chest & 1 in hips). Ready for level least I think. :-)
  • Shyler30
    Shyler30 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm a week behind you all...I'm on day 4. It was hard tonight! But 4 days in a row! Great job to all those on day 10...awesome!
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    Day 10 is done. I was so tired today that I almost skipped it, but once again my hubby convinced me to get my butt back to work. He turned on the video and I decided to finish level one with a bang so I picked up heavier weights...Take that level 1!!!

    Edited to make sense.
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    I finised day 10 last night and took my level 1 photo. Feeling great and knowing 20 more days I'll be feeling evn better. Oh and took my measurements as well and in general have lost about 1/2 an inch to an inch from everything :). Did anyone else do this after day 10???
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    I finished Day 10 last night. Going to start L2 tonight. :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did D10 last night.. I guess the post wasn't here before cause I wrote in other groups about it.

    I have lost 5 lbs since starting, lost 1/2" around my waist a few days ago then remeasured this morning and gained it back. :/
  • Melissa132129
    Melissa132129 Posts: 205 Member
    Got day 10 done today (1 day behind)
  • Did day 10 yesterday. My weight is the same, Pms is making me bloated so I'm disappointed with the same weight. I have lost 1.25 inches overall
  • Shyler30
    Shyler30 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 5 done.
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    Day 10 Complete! FINALLY! I took 2 inconsecutive rest days because my shins were killing me. Tomorrow, Level 2! I must admit though, having some serious motivation issues. I've hit that "I just want to sit around and eat what and how much I want" phase. Must push through!
  • KJBeltran
    KJBeltran Posts: 23 Member
    Day 10 Complete! FINALLY! I took 2 inconsecutive rest days because my shins were killing me. Tomorrow, Level 2! I must admit though, having some serious motivation issues. I've hit that "I just want to sit around and eat what and how much I want" phase. Must push through!

    My shins have really been bothering me as well . :( I have just tried modifying moves as of now but, I'm afraid I'll have to take a rest day.

    Keep up the good work. I have those days as well where I just want to order a large pizza and rest but, I keep telling myself that I have worked to hard to pig out and be lazy. At about 9:30 p.m. I finally motivate myself to get up and move. Just know I am with you and I know how you feel but, we must push through!