Hey cheerios :)

dancetrix Posts: 11 Member
I'm so happy I'm not the only cheerleader on this site. It's all about getting fit and loving life right?
I start practice again (after Christmas break) on Monday - let's see if I can keep up after all of the holiday goodness and cookies lol!
Is anyone else feeling this way? Feel free to add me, I'm new on this sight but I am very supportive :)


  • mrsjames23
    HI! I am a cheer coach and have been a cheerleader my entire life!!! All stars, high school, you name it, i've done it! Recently Ive gained weight and I don't feel energetic or "good enough" for my cheerleaders right now. Ive starting working out with them, but unfortunately I'm more focused on what needs to be done than actually working out with them. I'll be your support if you're mine :)