Fun topic: Stuff you should never say to a pregnant woman



  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    I was throwing up at work last week and my boss asked me if I had the flu or if I was throwing up from my "complication". Seriously? Don't call my pregnancy a complication. Idiot.

    I'm amazed or totally relate to a lot of these, but WOW.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    "You just feel like that because you're pregnant" or "It's just your hormones talking."

    Okay, whether my hormones are making me feel this way or not, I still feel like this. Don't make my feelings seem less valid by saying it's just my hormones. And sometimes what you say is going to irritate me whether I'm pregnant or not so no need blaming it for EVERY emotion I have. :grumble: I get told these things all the time by my mom (this is baby 4 for us) and it's things like this that make me keep my pregnancies a secret as long as I can!

    The "hormones" thing is my personal favorite. Freakin jerks!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This isn't a comment so much of "what not to say" but more "what not to do" to a pregnant woman:

    I have to say how shocked I am that I'm already getting complete strangers come up and TOUCH MY BELLY!!?? So I was in Barns & Noble the other day and this lady came up to me and put her hand right on my belly and said "Oh you just look precious, when are you due??" Now some would take this as a complement, but I was not in the mood to have someone i didn't know touch my stomach (a area of my body which very few people I know and love are allowed to touch). So I just stared at her and said, "Excuse me, I'm not pregnant." Now, sure this made me look fat, but it was worth the shocked and embarrassed look on her face. Win!

    I've never had this happen and hopefully never will. I am too nice to say something like that. I want to, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Nor would I likely slap their hand or something.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    "You just feel like that because you're pregnant" or "It's just your hormones talking."

    Okay, whether my hormones are making me feel this way or not, I still feel like this. Don't make my feelings seem less valid by saying it's just my hormones. And sometimes what you say is going to irritate me whether I'm pregnant or not so no need blaming it for EVERY emotion I have. :grumble: I get told these things all the time by my mom (this is baby 4 for us) and it's things like this that make me keep my pregnancies a secret as long as I can!

    Sometimes I can tell I'm being irrational, and sometimes I know I am not. So I agree, not *every* emotion is ruled by hormones!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I was throwing up at work last week and my boss asked me if I had the flu or if I was throwing up from my "complication". Seriously? Don't call my pregnancy a complication. Idiot.

    Wow. I don't think I could have not commented on the use of the word "complication." We're pregnant, not sick, thanks.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The most annoying thing to me is when I get asked if this is my first baby... when I answer "No, my fourth", I have gotten tons of comments about if I knew how babies are conceived or get asked if we have cable TV. Some people like big families, get over it! If I want 4 kids, and can afford them, it is none of your business!

    When one of my friends was pregnant with her fourth baby, she was at Costco with her three very sweet boys. Some lady came up to her and complimented her on how well-behaved her boys were and, before my friend could thank her, said something to the effect of, "I hope you're done after this one," referring to her then-unborn child.

    Um, yeah, thanks for making a major life decision for me, lady!

    ETA that said friend is definitely not "done" having kids.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The most annoying thing to me is when I get asked if this is my first baby... when I answer "No, my fourth", I have gotten tons of comments about if I knew how babies are conceived or get asked if we have cable TV. Some people like big families, get over it! If I want 4 kids, and can afford them, it is none of your business!

    On a similar note, when we announced on facebook at 20 weeks, I had a friend comment with 'wow, you're repopulating the earth all on your own!' (This is our 4th as well.) I didn't realize that 4 kids was suddenly repopulating the earth! Take it easy, all you others who are pregnant - I've got it all taken care of, apparently. :grumble:

    I really don't know when four kids became weird. I am the youngest of four kids. One of my brothers has four (my sister has two and is done, this is #2 and probably the last for me, and my other brother has one and is done), and it's like he is some sort of alien. When I was growing up, we were one of several "large" families, and I knew a few people who were one of six or seven kids.

    I guess the more important question is, when did it become ok to opine about someone's choice of family size?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    youuuuuuuuuuu'lllll seeeeeeee! also common is the just you wait!

    My butthead coworker said to me the other day without even knowing that I was pregnant "Well I guess if you only want two kids then you're fine at your age to start now". Um excuse me, I'm 27. You don't say that to a non-pregnant woman nevermind a pregnant one!

    Don't worry. I'm 10 years older, didn't have my first until I was 30, and am cooking up baby number 3 now!
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    With my last pregnancy, I worked in an office building with this one really creepy guy that was "that guy". I remember I was about 7 and a half months pregnant, and I pretty much though everyone knew. I mean, come on, was this a tumor? Anyway, he was chatting with me in the breakroom the one day and said to me "so you're pregnant? wow, congratulations" I graciously accepted his good wishes and on my way out thought to myself, "Wait....did he just figure this out NOW? Did he think I was just FAT the whole time?.....I think he did!" I was embarrassed for both of us.