Ahh, can I have a #5 w/o cheese and diet coke? 1/11

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay, since I had to learn how to put a carseat in the car yesterday this is a nice time to remind all parents and aunties and uncles etc to WEAR your SEATBELTS! We constantly talk about being the example well be the one not only with food and drink but a vital habit of wearing seatbelt.

CHALLENGE: Be the example and try and not to eat in the car....I know know know this is hard but try...this is called mindful eating! When we eat in the care we are usually rushing and we don't really absorb what we are eating nor really enjoy just stuffing face!!! Trust me I know there are urgent times we may have to do it but if possible try to make a HABIT of not eating in the car esp while driving at least stop and park if you can.
We on this journey are trying to learn and be mindful of what we eat, enjoy the flavors textures and smells and to slowly eat. Not just ram food down the esophagus. Then feel bloated and indigestion.

So how did you enjoy breakfast today?



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Yes, I struggle with this even when I am not rushed. For whatever reason I feel as if I must hurry. I will slowly eat my yogurt and toast. I hope. LOL
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    My new car really did a number for this activity - it's a stick. Can't drive and eat or do anything else when driving a manual in city traffic. Really - I actually hate almost all fast food type food - it tastes really bad to me. So - eating in the car was really never a habit. But eating fast - you betcha. Early on, I had a job that the only food I was eating was at midnight and we had a half hour break. That break included taking off and putting back on the oilskins we had to wear. Plus a 5 minute walk to and fro and a double bathroom break. So - 10 minutes to stand in line and eat. Guess what? I can eat an entire meal in three mintues. I stil can eat that way. So - I practice extreme portion control and mind over matter. I look at my food - I decide what I'm eating, I say "That's a portion - its what you are eating, it will taste like this "xx", pay attention while chewing it." And I eat. And afterwards, I look at that empty plate and think "I did eat all of that. Wait 30 minutes, I will not be hungry." I can eat an entire meal in less than 10 minutes and can still eat it in 3 if I need too. There are some nights where eating a meal in 3 is still essential due to schedules. Sigh. My worst place for food is now at my desk at work. I eat my lunch and breakfast there. Really - that is when I have have to pay attention and say - did I eat? What did I eat? This site helps with that tracking. Thank goodness.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Still working on eating slower, I worked in retail for too long I think (every retail job I've ever had, I had to rush and eat lunch/supper, ect. because I only had 1/2 hour and invariably, I would have people asking me questions.) I keep reading articles about sitting at the table to eat with the tv off, no books, just enjoy the company while you eat and all I have to say is these are people who have never eaten alone. I will make myself crazy if I sat at the table in absolute silence, staring at a wall, I can't do it and it makes me rush to get it over with, defeating the whole purpose of eating slowly and enjoying my food (when I'm with someone, I do slow down, 5 minutes at the table to eat by myself versus 1/2 hour or more with company is a big difference.) I can actually watch tv and have a meal take me longer (and I eat off sandwich sized plates, not dinner plates) and be more aware of what I'm eating (mainly because I'm focusing on the food, not the tv I guess it keeps the non food neurons in my brain satisfied so they don't fire and distract me from my primary function, the sensory response to my food.
    Had most of my eating in car issues resolved with the food allergy, can't have any fast food because anything I can eat at a fast food place requires a fork and knife
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    When I bought my new car a year ago I made the declaration that I would not, or have anyone else eat in the car. So far I've been able to keep to it. It doesn't have a french fry smell, no crusty bits in the cracks. It really makes a difference with cleanliness.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i used to eat in the car all the time. now i just keep bottles of water and guzzle when i'm hungry.

    although i have to admit, i still plow through whatever i'm eating. i, too, am of the eat it and run mindset... it seems impossible to slow down and eat.....
  • LoviesMom
    How did I enjoy my breakfast? In the car! I drink a protein shake on the mornings I work. It's just easy and a sure way to get something in my belly. Weekends, I usually enjoy breakfast in front of the TV - obviously, this is something I need to work on! Thanks for the challenge!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I had oatmeal with blueberries and peaches and walnuts....mmmm. I ate it over a half hour bc I know I am an INHALER with food so I have to push it away chew think enjoy take a break or else I will dump whole thing in my mouth.

    I love the crunch of walnuts and the sweetness of the fruit and the chewiness of the oats and how the warmth of it going down my throat makes me feel toasty!
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Breakfast is probably the only meal I eat in the car on a regular basis. It's just so hard for me to get up with enough time to sit down at the table and enjoy what I'm eating before I have to race off to class or work. Lucky for me today though school hasn't started yet and I didn't have to substitute so I got to sleep in and missed breakfast. :smile: I enjoyed my lunch sitting at the kitchen table chatting with my mom though. We have the windows and doors open because it's such a nice day. It made my peanut butter and banana toast that much more enjoyable.