How to workout with kids?

I usually end up working out at night when my husband gets home. During the day, I've tried to do pilates or even basic ab exercises but my daughter crawls over me or jumps on me...or anything else that makes it hard to do the exercise correctly. I've tried to get her involved but that doesn't work very often. When do you workout and what do you end up doing?


  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    First of all, I can totally relate! I have two yunguns, ages 3.5 and 18 months. Whenever I do sit ups or pushups they wanna crawl all over me; if I'm doing squats, they want to crawl under my legs. Once in a while, they do want to get involved but only lasts a few minutes.
    Here's what I've done:
    Put on a show and go exercise in another room
    Spread it out throughout the day, do a couple minutes of exercise at a time
    What tends to be the easiest for me: working out in the morning before they wake or at night after they sleep.

    Good for you to be trying to workout with a kid! It is definitely a challenge... Good luck!
  • That is what i do! I guess we are stuck! We can either do it with them and not do things correctly, or do it without and have them lose the learning they can get from us doing things to make us healthy...ohhhhs. It is tough. I may have to do some mild stuff with my daughter to help get her moving more. :)
  • jodimull
    jodimull Posts: 7 Member
    It absolutely is a challenge! I too try to work out before the kids get up. Sometimes I can work out during my daughter's nap (if she takes one) and my son's "rest time" in his room (he's 5 so napping is out). On the weekends, my husband watches the kids while I work out. Creativity in timing is key.
  • Creativity is the key. Get it in here and get it in there!