Just bought the book



  • nootherplace
    I bought Vega One all in one nutritional shake Vanilla Chai powder and made my first shake today. Wanted a change from the pea protein powder/hemp/chia seeds I've been doing. The Vanilla Chai has a very strong flavor. Tomorrow I will try half vanilla chai/half pea protein.
  • EatingWellToo
    EatingWellToo Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All,

    I am on Day 20 and have lost over 4 pounds. That said, I did not have a huge amount to lose; most people would have called me normal weight to begin with, but I have creeping belly fat that I do not like and high blood sugar (bottom of pre-diabetic range). I like this diet a lot. I have not cheated on the 7 foods, just on red wine and the portions.

    I would like to encourage each other in this group, and share tips. A big tip from me is Bob's Red Mill hemp protein powder. It is cheaper than JJ's on her web site, and, nutritionally equal if not better. I experimented with the different types of "milk" for morning coffee (almond, hemp, coconut) - I cannot drink coffee black - and have found the best for me is So Delicious Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer.

    My biggest success is the total elimination of SUGAR except for the naturally occurring amount in fruit. I have struggled with sugar binges but somehow eliminating 7 foods at once is so radial, that I have not missed the sugar. My daughter says that sugar grows a specific bacteria in your gut and this is what stimulates the cravings - when you do not feed them, they eventually die, and free you from the cravings. Another tip is to finish dinner with herbal tea, then floss your teetch and stop eating for the day. Good Luck!!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Hi All,

    I am on Day 20 and have lost over 4 pounds. That said, I did not have a huge amount to lose; most people would have called me normal weight to begin with, but I have creeping belly fat that I do not like and high blood sugar (bottom of pre-diabetic range). I like this diet a lot. I have not cheated on the 7 foods, just on red wine and the portions.

    I would like to encourage each other in this group, and share tips. A big tip from me is Bob's Red Mill hemp protein powder. It is cheaper than JJ's on her web site, and, nutritionally equal if not better. I experimented with the different types of "milk" for morning coffee (almond, hemp, coconut) - I cannot drink coffee black - and have found the best for me is So Delicious Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer.

    My biggest success is the total elimination of SUGAR except for the naturally occurring amount in fruit. I have struggled with sugar binges but somehow eliminating 7 foods at once is so radial, that I have not missed the sugar. My daughter says that sugar grows a specific bacteria in your gut and this is what stimulates the cravings - when you do not feed them, they eventually die, and free you from the cravings. Another tip is to finish dinner with herbal tea, then floss your teetch and stop eating for the day. Good Luck!!

    Well said! And 4 pounds is 4 pounds! Great job! Thanks for the Bob's Hemp protein idea. I am using JJ's vanilla and I do not really like it but I add banana to help make it palatable. I have also found out that making the shake at night helps a lot. Thanks for your input. :drinker:
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Hey all day 20 for me today! I did not do really well today but I am not beating myself up. I start adding eggs in tomorrow.

    Lisa and Findingthenew: Try adding Banana to your shakes to add some more "good" calories. I would also suggest Olive oil added to lunch and dinner. Good fats and they add good calories. I eat Salmon one night a week and Tilapia (fish) one night. A good grass fed steak, once a week! Yum! So yes, if all you ate is chicken, I'd be bored too.

    Lesa try the Almond Milk or Hemp milk. I really like the coconut milk but I can see why you don't use it.

    Lesa where did you get the Chipotle Mexican Grill????

    Cate you post can never be too long. We are here to share our journey. I totally get everything you said. Me too Menopause. Hard to lose weight and I don't exercise at all. I have Planter Fasciitis and it's one of the reasons I am on this diet - to fight the inflammation and see if I can't heal this foot problem. Then I can start walking/running again. I also can only do one shake per day. I love to eat. no problem with meat, fruit and vegies.

    HI ELA!!! So glad you are here too! :)

    Shirley so glad you are here. Fibromyalgia is very painful. I have friends that have it and are both vegan to deal with it. Can we have Feta cheese?? I didn't think so. I did buy some GHEE and it is close to butter and better than nothing but after its gone I will just use olive oil.

    For those of you who have had a glass of wine, I don't think that 1 glass of red wine will make that much difference. Just don't over do it. I love tea or a glass of wine after dinner. I switch nights. :flowerforyou:
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Good Morning! So yesterday was hard for me. I was at home alone (usually rare and a good thing) but to many temptations. So today I start over again. I will have eggs for lunch and I am not losing weight so I am going to stick to Protein and Vegies except what goes into my morning shake. That should get the scale moving.
    I don't like the Brown Rice Wraps. They are okay when you heat them up in a cast iron skillet and eat it right away but if you try to make a wrap with them they just split and fall apart. I hope when I get to next week and can reintroduce gluten that I will be able to tolerate wheat tortillia's or pita bread.

    I hope you all lost weight today and that you FEEL GREAT!!!! That is more important to me. I do feel great! :laugh:
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Okay I had to research the "Feta" issue.

    Page 106: Eliminate dairy for 21 days. Wait until Cycle 2. You can read the rest. :) This is too hard! I don't want anyone to mess up accidentaly.

    The 3 reasons I am on this diet are:
    1. Dairy - I believe that I am intolerate b/c of things that have happened in the past when I eat too much! I have Acne at 53 and I am tired of it.
    2. Planter Faciitius. This diet is suppose to help cut the inflmation.
    3. Weight Loss.
    I have already benifited from most of my acne being gone. My skin is a lot better. My foot hurts less. I have lost some weight! :happy:
  • Cate1898
    Cate1898 Posts: 33 Member
    Vickie: Sounds like it is working for you. 21 days, congrats. Oh, and I don't like the brown rice wraps either. I would rather do without.

    I pulled out my allergy test results from 5 1/2 years ago. Seems like longer. I really only tested positive for dairy and eggs. After getting up yesterday and being up a pound, I got an order of pad thai from our local thai restaurant. The only good thing was that I normally could eat the whole thing, whereas yesterday, I could only eat half and then felt stuffed. And yes....I finished it off today. So I guess I will just continue onwards minus dairy and eggs. I am having a hard time though in the morning with coffee. I have tried the coconut milk, not a fan. I can tolerate the almond milk ok, except in my coffee. It curdles. Yuk. So I am going to only have my lactose free 1% milk in my coffee in the morning. I NEED MY COFFEE. I work 12 hour shifts and I start at 05:45am, so I am up at 4am on dayshifts. Now you know why I need my coffee!!
  • nootherplace
    I started with the reintroduction of soy this week. Had a soup with soy in it. Tomorrow boca burger. I would never think of having an allergic reaction to soy-we shall see. I have definitely noticed a reduction in bloated, gassy feelings over these three weeks. I need to lose a lot, so it will be a while before my clothes are looser or I look any different, but I feel better!
  • lesaskoney
    Glad to see so many new posters! I don't feel so all alone in this journey.Thanks for all your ideas and helpful advice. Nice thing about this diet is I feel like we are not only trying to lose weight, but also to improve our health and figure out the foods that cause us problems. I'm on day 11 and and still at 5.5 pound weight loss. Lost all cravings for sugar, which is HuGE for me. I was really eating alot of chocolate and candy and can honestly say I don't even think about it now.

    I decided to go all out, and order the Thorne Vegalite powder JJ Virgin recommends, (ordered on Amazon) and just got it today and will try it out tomorrow and let you know how it tastes. I have been using Life's Basic Protein powder. They are about the same price.I read some really good things about Thorne and their products, so JJ may be on to sometihing here. Excellent reputation for vitamins, but are pricey.

    My scale has been going up and down dramatically too. I went from 139 one day to 137.5 and then back to 139 and today back to 137.5.. I don't usually weigh myself daily, so maybe this is normal. Although I remember reading in the Carbohydrate Lovers Diet book that fluctuations like that are normal, but honestly, as many diets as I have tried I've never lost weight this fast, on any of them. Most diets will claim you will lose at most 1-2 pounds a week, so i consider this one to be really inspirational! Nothing like results to make you want to stick with it.

    I have to admit my weakness is wine too; but I have abstained (except for 2 glasses...hehe) for the last 10 days, and that is an accomplishment for me:) I had way too much over the holidays. I also have a company dinner Saturday that will be a major wine event, and the food will probably not be within the diet, but I will try and turn down the creme brulee dessert and order my salad dry:( I fear the wine will lower my resolve! My other worry is a trip I have planned in a week and a half, where I'll be eating out constantly for a week. I can't imagine how i will stay on this diet, but I'm thinking.... maybe get a Magic Bullet blender and carry it with me in my suitcase? -lol

    And I'm with you gals, on the coffee issue - I gotta have my java with dairy - and I just hope a litte won't hurt weight loss.I am trying to drink tea instead but not 100% successful there. I'm always comparing this diet with the South Beach Diet, and dairy is allowed on that, although he recommends nonfat products. I've had dairy all my life, and while I think I may be a little lactose intolerant, who knows, I don't think that a tablespoon is going to hurt me. I know I'm intolerant to the carageenan in So Delicious coconut milk, and i'm extremly intoleratnt to the carageenan in nonfat products like nonfat half and half and also flavored coffee creamers. Causes major inflamation in my gut - and if you read about carageenan (which is in so many products because it is a thickener "emulsifier) ) its a known GI irritant, and proven colon cancer cause. JJ Virgin has a question posed to her about it on her FAQ and responds that there are two types - degraded and undegraded, but I'm here to tell you, they ALL cause inflammation in my body, and from the studies I have read, should not be FDA approved, and at a minimum shoud not be sold in organic products...ok, I'll get off my soapbox now...

    I think I will try almond milk - maybe make my own in my Vitamix - has anyone tried that?
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Cate I am so proud of you. You are doing so well. I understand about the coffee. I drink a double espresso every morning. I can drink it with 1/2 & 1/2 (Atkins) or Skim Milk (Low fat diet) but never black and I am glad that the Coconut creamer works for me. So sorry it doesn't work for you. Did you try the Hemp milk. I have never tried that. Or my other thought is you got one bad batch of Almond milk or its a bad brand. Anybody else!

    We can do this together! So glad we are on this journey together. Blessings. Vickie
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    nootherplace good for you! I wasn't excited about starting with Eggs. I don't think I have a problem with them. You have the right attitude though. It took us a long time to gain weight and it will take us a while to lose the fat. You are doing really good and sticking with it. Great Job! :smile:
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Lisa thanks for sharing. I have never heard about this carrageenan. I am dairy intolerant and have used real half & half and fat free half & half. But it's in coconut creamer and milk too??? Not Almond milk. So I am putting this in my phone and checking it out online and in everything I buy now. I am now a real label reader.

    Take you bullet with you and as far as eating out you can get safe stuff you just have to be diligent. Hummus with vegies and tell them more veggies and hold the bread, vegie non cream soups or Minestrone soup, Burger w/o buns, etc. You can do it. Just think of it as people taking care of you, you don't have to prepare the food so treat your self right! :wink:
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    That's a good post about flossing and brushing your teeth to end your eating day. I'm going to use it.
    Hi All,

    I am on Day 20 and have lost over 4 pounds. That said, I did not have a huge amount to lose; most people would have called me normal weight to begin with, but I have creeping belly fat that I do not like and high blood sugar (bottom of pre-diabetic range). I like this diet a lot. I have not cheated on the 7 foods, just on red wine and the portions.

    I would like to encourage each other in this group, and share tips. A big tip from me is Bob's Red Mill hemp protein powder. It is cheaper than JJ's on her web site, and, nutritionally equal if not better. I experimented with the different types of "milk" for morning coffee (almond, hemp, coconut) - I cannot drink coffee black - and have found the best for me is So Delicious Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer.

    My biggest success is the total elimination of SUGAR except for the naturally occurring amount in fruit. I have struggled with sugar binges but somehow eliminating 7 foods at once is so radial, that I have not missed the sugar. My daughter says that sugar grows a specific bacteria in your gut and this is what stimulates the cravings - when you do not feed them, they eventually die, and free you from the cravings. Another tip is to finish dinner with herbal tea, then floss your teetch and stop eating for the day. Good Luck!!
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    I guess today is day 12. gained a little back, so 4.8 lost now, but figure that will go up and down a little during this process, just want to overall go DOWN.

    1) I've certainly noticed less inflammation, especially in my fingers (could almost get my wedding ring on, but not quite).
    2) I've felt pretty good with a little more energy
    3) One bad reaction to pinto beans, so they are definitely out of my eating plan.
    4) Messed up and had real cheese on a bunless burger today - thought I had ordered double burger but they put cheese on it. But really didn't notice any reaction to that so far.
    5) My fibro pain has been less severe I noticed.
    6) My restless legs are not any better, maybe worse.
    7) I'm not craving anything at all but water at times, so I'm not drinking enough
    8) My blood glucose levels are very much better, but am having a little trouble regulating my night dosages of insulin to prevent a drop during the night. Had the worst ever drop 2 nights ago with a 38 BGL.
    9) I'm learning to keep my own salad dressing (olive oil and seasonings) in a small container in my purse.
    10) I'm eating more fish.
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Shirley love to hear there are some positive results for you. I've had the restless legs before and I don't remember why that happens. :flowerforyou:
  • EatingWellToo
    EatingWellToo Posts: 21 Member
    Just wanted to say I have completed Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet and after 22 days lost 7.6 pounds (which in my case is 5.5% of my starting body weight). It was a pretty positive experience. When I have more time I'll share more about what I experienced and general perspectives of this diet (and I will keep adding Recipes to that topic in this message board). I am motivated to get to and stay where I want to be, for optimum health (another 5-6 pounds). Thanks for this message board!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning! I FINALLY LOST .06 ounces and brings me to a 7 pound loss and more importantly I FINALLY broke 173 pounds. I didn't think I was ever going to start losing again. It is very discouraging.

    I wish more of you were here to talk to. I hope you come back.

    I have figured a few things out the last couple of days. Now this is just works for me. 1st I have quit reintroducing new foods. I completely blew it this week three times. I reintroduced Eggs one day, Soy the next day (Terriyaki Chicken) and then order a burger w/o the bun in a restaurant the next day and it had cheese on it. I should have sent it back simply b/c I don't eat cheese on a burger even if I am eating whey products but I was in a hurry and didn't think it would matter. Boy was I wrong. I wrong all three days and the last two I have been eating "clean" again and am still paying for it.
    2. I lose weight when I have a shake for breakfast and Protein, fat and vegies for lunch and dinner. I can also have 1 glass of wine.
    3. I must drink at least 8 glasses of water which I find easy. It JJ's book she says to drink 16 ounces when you wake up. I drink 8 ounces before my shower and 8 ounces after my shower. I actually have been doing it for a month now and I am thirsty for it now when I get up.

    I hope you are all doing good and hope to hear from some of you soon. Vickie :smile:
  • lesaskoney
    Vick!i - congratulations on your loss! I'm having a similar experience. The 5.5 pounds I lost the first week haven't come back, thank goodness, but I only lost .5 this week, for a total of 6 pounds, but that is still a stellar amount of weight to lose in 2 weeks, I think.

    I was pretty true to the diet this week food wise, except for drinking wine on several occasions. I only excerised once this week, so I have to do better on that too. I notice the scale goes down when I exercise. One of my problems is eating dinner too late at night I think, and JJ warns about that, but some nights I just don't get home until 6:30 and by the time I make dinner its 7:30. I notice the scale went down when I at earlier, or had a shake for dinner (which is not fun but moves the scale). I'm hoping the third week will be more successful. I was under alot of stress at work this week too with some personnel issues, so I think that could also be an issue.

    I had my company dinner last night, and had 1/1/2 glasses of wine, but skipped the dessert - and had none of the bread basket, asked for a fruit plate for dessert instead, and to my surprise they brought me a nice one! And yes, all my co-workers laughed at me and said "enjoy your green apples" as they dug into their chocolate pie and creme brulee, but I really didn't even want dessert - I have no sugar cravings anymore at all. THAT is a success! Now if only I could lose the craving for wine! I still want that, but I think its really just a bad habit I've gotten into while cooking - sipping on wine and I still miss it.

    I bought the Thorne protein powder and it does taste better in the shakes than the Life's Basic powder I was using. It has stevia in it. I bought the vanilla flavor and ordered on line.

    A good eating out option, I have found on any diet, is a greek chicken salad, if you have any greek restaurants. Their oil and vinegar dressing is usually safe, and I guess you have to watch the feta cheese, but otherwise they are good safe meals. I had those on 2 occassions this week. Someone aslked about Chipolte Mexican Grill, and its a fairly new fast food chain, probably only in larger cities, but its expanding fast. Their salad option is very diet friendly.

    If anyone finds a coconut milk product that does not have carageenan in it, let me know! I want to try some of JJ's recipes.
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    :smile: Hey Lesa, you are doing great!

    I will check my coconut creamer and milk tonight.

    I have decided to make a pot of tea as soon as I get home and stop drinking wine for the week. 1 or sometimes two glasses does add up. I really want the scale to MOVE and get under 170 this week by Friday. If I do meat, vegies and 2 max fruits, I should be able to do this. I may be hungry but I care if I lose weight.

    You know it is all just a BIG mind game. I just have to play and I don't always want to. :smile:
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    The coconut milk and creamer both have carageenan in them. :frown: Sorry! V