
lorik33t Posts: 32 Member
Anyone else a little scared of their goals? I'm so afraid I'm going to fail at the half marathon. I'm not athletic. At all. My family has laughed at me because of my lack of athletic ability. Being slow on my bike, inability to play volleyball, etc. I'm just afraid that I'm going to mess up or be terrible at it. I also don't really like running to it's borderline hi-frickin-larious that I'm going to try to do it. My husband thinks that I can do it. I just have to convince myself. I know that I need to get in shape but the whole process seems very daunting. Anyways, just needed to see if anyone else was a scaredey cat like me.


  • sunnyj81
    sunnyj81 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I'm wanting to run a half-marathon near the end of the year, but can't get the guts to start properly train. I have my first 5k in a few weeks and am terrified. Especially since I have no one running with me, let alone be there for support. I've been slowly mustering up the guts to get my eating and training up to par and stop half-doing everything and just set my eyes on the prize, being a happier and healthier me. My husband supports me in wanting to be healthy, but it's still a struggle not having a workout partner with the same goals willing to take the journey with me. You'll overcome your fears in the end. :)
  • You're not the only one. I'm always signing up for and then backing out of half-marathons and sponsored runs because I feel like I wouldn't be able to do it. You won't know until you try, and the more you try, the easier it gets. Let fear be your motivator. Good luck.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Just do not think of it as a mountain, think of it as a hill. And I do believe most runs have training programs associated with them for free (as long aas you are signed up for the race). Once you are running, you get caught up in the group, because everyone is there with you and cheering you on (complete strangers). I did the Great Aloha Run in 2008 before I became injured. Its a 8.2 miles marathon done every Presidents Day weekend; and they have training groups broken down by category. So if you were there with your kids and strollers to walk = that is what you trained to build up on. During the race itself, I got to the 4 mile marker and I was like, Really 4 miles? I could not believe it. It goes by fast. But you do have to train for it. I would not do that cold turkey.

    You can do it!! Which marathon or half marathon are you looking at doing?
  • lorik33t
    lorik33t Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for the support gals. The husband and I ran on Saturday when it wasn't too cold here. The run wasn't too bad. We did 15 sec jog/45 sec walk intervals for about a half hour. I could barely breathe when we were done with the jogging sections. I feel like I'm never going to get there. But I went out and did it! Tonight I want to do something but I may have to count grocery shopping as excercise because it needs to be done and the husband hurt his back. :ohwell: We're going to do the Disneyland Half Marathon over Labor day weekend. So I have plenty of time to train but I am still nervous.
  • sunnyj81
    sunnyj81 Posts: 61 Member
    I would love to run the Disney!!! You have plenty of time, just keep your goals in mind and go for it. You'll do great!
  • lorik33t
    lorik33t Posts: 32 Member
    Well the $$$ has been spent so there's not turning back now! I'm super excited and motivated now. I signed up. I can't quit now. :ohwell:
  • Well the $$$ has been spent so there's not turning back now! I'm super excited and motivated now. I signed up. I can't quit now. :ohwell:

    Go smash it girl!
  • lorik33t
    lorik33t Posts: 32 Member
    So I am going to join the Y sometime this week. It's fairly inexpensive and my company has a fitness membership credit that covers all but $25 of the cost. Totally doable. Also they have Zumba classes! I'm super excited. Gonna bust my but and look awesome in whatever princess outfit I come up with.