Weekly weigh-in

Hi all! I just completed my first week on MFP which I think is the longest I've stuck to any plan in over a year. 4# lost this week. I know that the first week is usually a bit of a jumpstart so I don't expect the same every week. I exercised every day, too, which my body isn't used to lately. This week I'm going to try not using my exercise calories for more food as much as I did this week and just stick to my 1200 calories more or less.

Do you weigh in weekly or more often? If you weigh in weekly, what is your day? Do you use your exercise calories for food or for extra weight loss?


  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hi, and congratulations on losing 4 pounds! That's wonderful! I weigh every single day. I know that's perhaps not the best thing to do, but I believe I need to in order to keep myself on track. I realize that scale can go up or down as much as 2 pounds, depending on my water retention, but knowing that, I keep myself within a certain range before I get too worked up. I don't record every uptick unless it becomes a pattern. Every once in awhile, usually after a vactation, I reset my weight on MFP to be honest. I'm working back down from an almost 6-pound gain during the holidays (traveling and eating a lot of wonderful meals prepared by family!). I'm almost back down to where I was before I left.

    The best thing I've learned from MFP is how many calories, and what kind of calories, different foods have. It has really affected my portion size. I think so many of us grew up eating far more than we needed to, and then our metabolisms started to slow down, but our eating didn't. This has been quite an eye opener for me!
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Kate, once my weight is down further, I do check in daily as well. I can emotionally handle the fluctuation of a couple of pounds and reign myself back in but if I stay away from the scale because I think I'm not doing well, before you know it I'm dealing with 5 pounds and more and then the emotional baggage of that weight gain sends me spinning out of control.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I weighed SEVERAL times a day. It helped my get a better handle on what makes me gain. More data points to reference. Now that I am on maintenance, I will weigh once a week, Sundays. Staying away from the scale for several years allowed me to be in denial about my weight. Ugh! I don't want to repeat that silliness.
  • mklassy123
    My typical routine when I try to lose weight is to weigh in twice a week. Once on Fridays to see how well I did during the week, and once on Mondays to see how much, if any damage was one over the weekend. I keep my scale in a hard to reach place and during the week my mornings are too hectic to try to dig out the scale (I do this on purpose). I find that weighing myself everyday makes me way too obsessed.
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, even though I know "they" say you shouldn't.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations, CricketsGirl!!! You are on the right path. I wish you continued success!

    You will find lots of advice on MFP. Feel free to try anything, and if it works for you, stick with it. If not, just leave it be!

    The first time I weighed myself before starting with MFP was on Wednesday afternoon at work. After about a month, I got a scale for home and started weighing myself daily, but I still only record my weight on Wednesday afternoons after getting on the scale at work.
    The daily weighing in is just to keep me on track.:smile:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    CricketsGirl welcome, what a great start! congrats.
    I weigh myself every Monday morning first thing. I have a lifetime of mental wars with the scale, I have tried daily, monthly, never, but for the last year I have been on the scale every Monday morning, it seems to be working for me.
    I think the idea of eating the exercise calories is not a good one. Whether it is MFP or a machine at the gym, I think the estimates of calories burned are just guesses, we are all so different. I also think it feeds the mindset of food rewards for moving.
    Sometimes exercise uses so much fuel that I need more-I get hungry. So I eat an extra snack,
    other times I have plenty of body fuel and I don't need to eat more-I don't get hungry.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I weigh daily too and have learnt a lot about the fluctuations for me. I just record the new number down on whatever day it happens. Its a personal thing. For myself the number I don't see anymore as part of the fluctuations is just as important as a new number. I also measure waist daily for the most part and it helps my sanity with fluctuations too because the waist will stay the same in spite of the scales (apart from tom) unless I really have been naughty! If waist measurement goes up and stays up longer than a day then I kick myself in the pants cos I usually know what it is and get back to right measurement fairly quickly. Sometimes the waist shows a loss before the scales and that motivates me to stay the course as a loss is imminent. In the beginning I had frequent losses. Sometimes small ones twice a week or more and that propelled me on. Its much slower now but I still see a pattern of loss when I'm behaving. Normal people who have never had a weight issue would fluctuate too.
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks, all! For now I'll just weigh weekly and feel out what's working. I know how 'they' say that it's not good to weigh more than once a week but it's different for everyone and at different times. When I'm starting out, I need the boost of bigger numbers lost, and when I'm maintaining I like the daily weigh-ins to stay on track, keeping in mind that there will be fluctuations. Still figuring out whether or not I should eat back my exercise calories. For now, I seem to be needing them to sate hunger but I'll have to see how it affects my progress. Thanks for the feedback!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I weigh daily.

    When I was losing weight I weighed several times daily. As another person said: more data points.
    I weighed, often, but I weighed IN on Sundays. THAT was the weight I counted.

    ps: consider figuring out your TDEE and BMR. You might see good results that way!



    Good luck!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Congrats!! What a great start!

    I weigh myself so rando ly. So e times twice a wekk, sometimes just twice a month.

    I used to log and eat back 50% or greater exercise calories. Now I just upped my activity level setting to include working put 3-5 times a week and don't log anything. I do 't workout much at all though. 3 days a week I do sme squats, lunges, push ups...and maybe once or twice a week I do some light cardio, like a brisk walk.

    I reached my goal weight last week, though I am debating - few more pounds, but not gonna worry or try much. We'll see.
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    M second week weigh-in today and I lost 2 pounds. I've been eating back my exercise calories to sate hunger and I know it's not good to lose too fast but it's hard not to focus on the long road ahead instead of the weekly progress in those small increments. Sigh. I know it didn't pile on overnight so this is the long haul. And at least I'm not feeling deprived cause by using my exercise calories, I'm getting plenty to eat. Without the exercise to eat back, though, I would struggle with the 1200 calories. How did you do this week?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I weigh daily and generally record on saturday or sunday normally. I am on maintenance so i decided yesterday to start recording daily. I dont let the scale be my only indicator of healthy, but certainly as i increase my strength building i think it is an important monitering device, just like my fiuelband. It is all about pulling it all together, drinking water, eating enough protein, getting enough fat and carbs, fiber, it all matters.

    The scale is just a good monitering device to make sure all those things you do are trending the right direction ... Be for me, it is just one of the many things i track as part of my healthy lifestyle.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good work on the 2 pounds and great commitment!
    I weighed a couple days ago . I lost .5 pounds, not really trying to lose weight anymore, I am a good weight, but losing a few. Ore won't hurt. So I am just trying to eat within my macros and exercise and see where it takes me.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I weight once a week only b/c I belong to a challenge group.

    This has been a huge adjustment for me. In the past if I weighted and had a good drop then I celebrated and of course that undid part of the work. But when the numbers didn't move, move what I felt was to slowly, or even worse would go up then I would say what the heck and give up. So when I first stated I only weighted occasionaly. What I have learned is that by weighting weekly now is that it gives me the incentive to try harder the next week rather than give up or beating myself up over not doing as well as I feel I should have.

    I am looking at things differently this time around. I started by making small changes mainly just focused on calories when I started. As time has gone by I have made more changes but for me it was about not overwelming myself. That included weigh ins. I do believe it is differently for each individual just as what works for one person doesn't work for everyone.

    In the past I did not have good support at home and sadly I didn't know about online sites such as mfp. I now have a fabulous husband and family members that support me on this journey and life change doing things from picking up a crushed ice water and bringing it home to me to grilling nightly because I don't like oven baked meat. What this has meant is the difference btw success and failure for me.

    Hope this helps someone that may be where I was b/c I know if I can do this you can also.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    I record my weight loss on Fridays but also weigh myself Mondays in case I overdue it on the weekends.
  • Jenniferlynnmcc
    Jenniferlynnmcc Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, I am weighing in on Monday mornings. If I forget/skip a week, I just wait until the next Monday to start again. I didn't even own a scale before last month! Previously, I had "given myself permission" not to worry about my weight because of stress and changes in my personal life. Well.... Now I am giving myself permission to DO something about the weight gain! :)
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    I was hopping on too often several times a day and it was making me crazy ... for me it never felt like progress and this felt very discouraging... In mid February I started recording once a week in looking back I see 27 are gone ... for me once a week works best preferably with my back to the scale and a trusted friend recording ... : )

    hopeless scale junkie in progress...

    For now once a week on Wednesday morning...
  • jiz35
    jiz35 Posts: 64 Member
    I weight myself a couple of times a week but only log on my 'official weigh in morning' on Monday. I picked Monday on purpose to try to get me to keep on tract at the weekend.

    Exercise calories I try not to eat back but they give that little bit of leeway, if needed. That is, when I actually exercise to accrue some exercise calories.
    Add me as a friend for support if you want. I tend to be on MFP most evenings.
