Is anyone on here exploring Primal/Paleo?

Looking to add some friends who are incorporating the Primal or Paleo lifestyles into their life. Anyone here have experience with this?


  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't really have any experience with it but I know a couple people at work who love it. I just decided to look into it today at lunch actually, after talking to one of the trainers in our gym.
  • I had a bit research on it be honest I'm not convinced it's nutritionally sound, but I might be biased against it as I love dairy products. :P

    I'm curious though, are you on it? How are you finding it?
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    I'll probably be starting Paleo tomorrow and will update on it. I'm a little unsure as I really love my cheeses but it makes sense after some of the books I've read.

    "Wheat Belly" especially is a good one to read (even though it isn't Paleo based) as it scientifically outlines a lot of the issues from modern grains and their progressions through the last 50-100 years.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm paleo and I absolutely love it. I read the total paleo solution by Robb wolf and it totally made sense (as well as having a lot of scientific research to back it up.) It is nutritionally sound there's nothing you get from grains that you cant get better quality of else where.
    I'd very much reccommend it. My energy levels have gone through the roof, my appetitie has halved and the weigh it literally dropping off oh and all the food is tasty too- hardly even feels like I'm on a diet.
  • Nu_Primal_Me
    Nu_Primal_Me Posts: 36 Member
    I'm currrently Primal and absolutely love the changes I am seeing in myself. More consistent energy levels, less cravings (unless we are talking a big, juicy steak), sleeping just feels right to my body. It's funny, I looked into the Blood Type diet (or whatever it is called) and found that for my blood type, it states I do best on a hunter-gatherer type of!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I follow closely to a primal diet, as much as I can right now. I know some of the, uhh, die-hard primal/paleo types will say I'm not compliant as I don't do all grass-fed meats, raw milk dairy, etc (that'd be ideal, but not there right now). But I do avoid all grains and vegetable oils as much as possible, as well as excess sugars, sodas, etc. I eat mainly protein, veggies, healthy fats (no trans and less vegetable oils), nuts, a little fruit, and some dairy.

    I'm probably closer to Perfect Health Diet (which is similar), but I eat less carbs than they proscribe. But I do eat what they call "safe starches" - sweet potatoes, rice, etc. Again, No grains or excess sugars.

    Feel free to add! :) My diary is also open if you'd like to browse.

    PS - the only dairy I do, is cottage cheese (post-workout mainly), full-fat plain greek yogurt, and some cheese (though I've mostly eliminated it from my diet, but if I'm out and it's on a salad, I'll go ahead and eat it. But NO CROUTONS). And I love me some cheese!! I am lactose intolerant, so milk is a no-no. The aforementioned have lower lactose levels that I can tolerate.
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    So, instead of very strictly primal, I guess I'm kind of doing a variation while I get used to it. I'm hoping to eventually completely cut out the dairy since I'm a bit lactose intolerant but I still haven't gotten the hang of black coffee that isn't iced and no matter how many almond cheeses I try, none of them get the flavor and consistency right in my opinion.

    I do know that after cutting out grains, starches, and sugars I already feel much better and my fibro flare-ups seem to be much less frequent and severe. I've actually been able to ride my exercise bike 3 days in a row for 10 minutes each without going into muscle spasms and pain. That's a HUGE improvement since before changing my diet 10 minutes would lay me out for the rest of the day barely able to move.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So, instead of very strictly primal, I guess I'm kind of doing a variation while I get used to it. I'm hoping to eventually completely cut out the dairy since I'm a bit lactose intolerant but I still haven't gotten the hang of black coffee that isn't iced and no matter how many almond cheeses I try, none of them get the flavor and consistency right in my opinion.

    I do know that after cutting out grains, starches, and sugars I already feel much better and my fibro flare-ups seem to be much less frequent and severe. I've actually been able to ride my exercise bike 3 days in a row for 10 minutes each without going into muscle spasms and pain. That's a HUGE improvement since before changing my diet 10 minutes would lay me out for the rest of the day barely able to move.

    I've been using coconut cream in my coffee. Delicious!!