Do you use recipes when you juice?

KetsyBaby Posts: 40 Member
I really haven't. I try to add ginger and parsley to every juice I make, since they are great for detoxing. I usually use what is next in line in the fridge in the sense that any spinach or Chinese brocolli, kale and such that has been in the fridge for more than 2 days gets juiced next. I never want to throw anything away. I use organic veggies and fruits as much as possible and wash everything super well before I go.

The one time I did use a recipe was for a V8 like tomato based juice, and I really didn't care for it. I am not a fan of tomato juice yet, never have been, and it just didn't taste right to me, and seemed to not sit well in my tummy. I kept wanting to add salt to it and season it up... even though it had garlic in it and tons of celery and other good veggies.

If you do use recipes, where do you find them?

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40, Female
GTA, Ontario, CANADA

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  • SouthGippyGirl
    SouthGippyGirl Posts: 76 Member
    I occasionally use recipes if I get bored of what Juices I have been making. It depends on what I can afford as we are pretty broke.

    I find my recipes on webpages, in juicing groups and pages on FB and free eBooks from Amazon.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I make mean green every day. Two cucumbers, 4-6 celery ribs, some ginger, 1 lemon, 1 granny smith apple, half a pound of kale.

    This is very heavy on the kale I know, it took me a long time to work up to it also kale in the cooler weather is much less bitter than it is in the summer so you can enjoy more in your juice without it knocking you over..

    2 cukes/ 1.00
    6 celery ribs/ .50
    1 lemon/ .50
    1 apple/ .50
    half pound kale/ .50
    Ginger/ next to nothing

    That's $3.00 and it makes around 32 ounces of juice. I usually drink half.

    If the ingredients are expensive then I substitute with what I can find. When cucumbers are high, I'll just add water, or zucchini.

    I find recipes at I often modify to meet my needs/taste.. I typically use less fruit than called for.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm completely random when I juice. I just make enough for 24 hours, and it usually doesn't look green. It comes out a funky color but I really don't care, as I know it's super good for me! I typically have a little of the following each time I make it:

    Red Cabbage
    Plain Almond Milk
    Ground flax seed
    Chocolate protein powder (occasionally)

    I make sure that fruit is only about 1/3 of the juice as to ensure I don't overdo it with carbs. I make enough to last 24 hours. Oh, and as you can see I don't have a lot of kale or similar greens as my juicer just wastes them for whatever reason... :\

    I also eat real food - a large salad typically with staples of raw pumpkin and raw sunflower seeds... with a small amount of meat and home made citrus vinagrette that has fresh garlic/pineapple in it. Noms!