Eating my emotions

Options daughter is moving out this weekend taking my 4yo grandson with her. She and I have lived together since before my grandson’s birth. My daughter is my best friend, confidant, and absolutely an amazing person. She is engaged and expecting my granddaughter in 4 weeks, so it the best thing for everyone. And while I know it is the best thing, it did not stop me from eating sugar, carbs and large portions :(. But enough of the woe is me. At least all denial has been removed and I realize, I have a tendency to EAT my EMOTIONS. I am powerless over sugar & carbs, and when I eat them, it triggers overeating and larger portions, and weight gain. Well I can overcome; with honesty, and sharing my failures, and my successes with you. I plan on getting back on track starting this week :) Just for today, I will stick with MFP plan of sensible eating and ongoing lifestyle change. I fail, WE succeed!


  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    It is sooooo hard to not eat if you are an emotional eater. I too am trying to get past that. People make it sound so easy .. just do something else. But if you aren't an emotional eater, nothing works quite the same way.

    The only thing I can suggest is maybe try and be in the moment. Pay attention to what you are doing. If you need to eat, make better choices. It is a CHOICE. Sometimes you will win, sometimes you won't. The main point is to get right back on track and not let it control the rest of your week.

  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    It's good that you realize that is what you are doing. It makes it a little easier to stop yourself. For the longest time I didn't see or (or refused to see it) and that gained me a good 100 lbs before I finally admitted that it was me doing it to myself. It's still hard to see that its happening sometimes, but I try to be more conscious of what I put in my mouth at any point so that hopefully I can stop myself before I actually emotionally eat.
  • henryvg2
    henryvg2 Posts: 33 Member
    Wow can I relate to this! Toss a little upset my way and I'm suddenly reaching for something to stuff in. And then I recognize what I'm doing, but i've already blown a day or more of good choices. Anyone have a good way to see this a little faster? Once I realize I'm doing this, it's possible to stop, but it's that first set of impulsive chomps that get me.