15th of the Month weigh in :) ( yes we can do both lol )

Lost another pound :) Yay! I'm excited because I kow that since I'm commited, this will just continue! Slow is okay with me this time and THAT makes all the difference to me!!! Good Luck all and keep up all of your hard work ladies!!!


  • Lindaloveschloe
    Way to go!!^ I weighed myself at the gym today and I've lost 3lbs..that was before I ate anything today so I might be more like 2-2.5lbs but hey that's what the scale said!! :)
  • coachronswifey
    sorry girls i couldnt get to our group from my phone.... i weighed in monday and lost another 4lbs
  • stormjourney
    Wednesdays are my weigh day. I have lost another 2.4 lbs this week. I am down about 12.8. I am heading nicely towards my first mini goal of 20lbs by Valentines Day.