
Ok everyone! So I am very very stuck and any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm 5'8 and about 165lbs. My calories are set to 1500 and I workout every day. I started watching what I was eating about 5 weeks ago and saw no results. I added the Insanity program about 2.5 weeks ago and still NO RESULTS. In fact, I've gained about 4lbs. I'm trying to convince myself it is ok, but we all know how annoying it is to see no changes.
Help please!


  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    It is either how much you are eating or the you switch it up enough? Are you working at your maximum heart rate? DO yo need to measure food? Tweak your program a little to see what works. For example, I decreased calories by 50 just to see and I lost. It was little by little but just to see what works. I am not expert just throwing out ideas.
  • I think I'm doing fine with measuring calories. I ordered a HRM but Insanity says that it burns about 600 cals. Putting it under high impact aerobics says around 300 calories and I'm sweating wayyyy more than when I run or do other workouts that calculate about 300cals. My friend thinks I should cut my calories even more but I already cut it 250 more than my calculations say I should do.
  • Vacationista
    Vacationista Posts: 42 Member
    If you are exercising really hard, you could be building muscle, which might mean that you retain fluids more. . . so it might just be hard to measure the results by weight, just yet. I'm sure your efforts are making a difference, you just might not be able to tell by the scale yet.
  • kclynn7
    kclynn7 Posts: 71
    I'm 5'7 and about the same weight. Sometimes when I'm stuck at a weight I will switch up what I am eating and limit carbs for a week and I will usually start to lose again. Also make sure you are drinking enough water. I know I am not doing that right now and the scale hasn't moved in a couple weeks. I also agree with the post about you may be gaining muscle - insanity is pretty hardcore and you might start losing again in a couple weeks on your own.