Team Jillian - Week Two Challenge

Hey Team Jillian-ers! We had a great week. So each of you should be very proud of yourselves! I had a suggestion for a challenge this week from a team member and I think it is a great one!

We all have excuses, I remember one of the themes of a past Season of the BL was NO EXCUSES! What I want to do this week is an EXCUSE BUSTER Challenge! Everyone needs to list their excuses on the thread throughout the week, and create well thought out and practical ways to break them! Also, if you have a reason for why you can't be successful or why you can't work out, share it here and we will all help come up with ideas on how to break the excuse :smile: Jen said ""If we face our excuses and take away their power we will be more successful in the end!"" This is so true! Let’s all help motivate each other this week to face our excuses!
I would also like to do an exercise challenge! Every day please post your calories burned. Post Yesterdays (1/15/2013) - Monday (1/21/13) - I will add all calories burned and see who burns the most!!! :) I hope everyone works hard this week to see great results at our next weigh in! If anyone else has any challenge ideas please message them to me!! I will post next week’s challenge on Tuesday :happy:


  • 1/15/13: 221 cals burned
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Tues 1/15: 50 min Zumba 510 Cals
    50 min Tone up Class 331 Cals

    Total: 841 Cals

    Wed 1/16: 45 min AquaGym 423 Cals
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    As far as the excuses go..... I have MANY!!! LOL!!! I am really working hard on not allowing excuses get in my way with regards to working out! I was suffering from knee pains a few months ago, but I do not allow that to be my excuse for not working out I have learned to listen to my body and work out in a way that I am not harming my body. I have also made some workout buddies at the gym. So even on the days that I do not feel like going to the gym, I feel sort of FORCED to go to the gym, since my buddies are waiting for me. This is really a great help!!!

    One of my excuses that I need to overcome is emotional eating!!! I tend to eat unhealthy when I am stressed!!! And I am going through a great deal of stress lately. I need to find a way to control my emotional eating and stay focused!!! I hope to overcome this :)
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    *I'm lucky because I live close enough to walk or ride my bike to work - great "built in" exercise!

    Tues 1/15: 60 min Zumba 699 Cals
    80 min Walking (moderate pace) 443 Cals

    Total: 1172 Cals
  • 1/15 (Tuesday): burned 261 calories walking :)
  • mgeaux
    mgeaux Posts: 41 Member
    Monday - 381 walking
    Tuesday- 290 walking, 464 circuit training
    wednesday- 290 walking, 464 circuit

    My biggest excuses happen on the weekend. Such as its the weekend I deserve a break or I'm with my boyfriend, who happens to be an amazing cook and my food choices just fly out the window.
  • RHeger
    RHeger Posts: 19 Member
    1/15- one hour bootcamp cardio 830 calories
    1/16- bowling 3 hours- im logging 250 calories, but not exact on this one.
  • Nikki from Michigan
    1.15 NOTHING my day off!!! :) ZERO cals burned
    1.16 WALKING 4mph in the blistering cold ;) 45 mins/388 cals burned

    My best excuse is ughh i worked all day and im tired! But doing very well @ not using it as i have a teamates to push me along!!!
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Wednesday: 60 minutes of bootcamp : 617 calories burned
  • WAY TO GO TEAM!!! :D You guys are rockin!!!! Keep it up!
    So far the totals are:
    Total 1/15: 4049 cals burned as a team
    Total 1/16: 2432 cals burned as a team

    My excuse is work! I work so much and have very little time to myself. I need to find something... Last night I just shut down and worked out, and I actually had a much better sleep so I know I need to at least walk!...Tonight I have to finish writing a document so Im not sure if I will have any time to workout but I am going to try for my team!
  • Hey Team!! So I was reading through other teams challenges, and 6Mimi has a great Challenge for her team, all the captains have talked and we are going to do a challenge together as a whole group this week.......

    On Team Bobs Week Two Challenge Part 2 thread, post all your healthy recipes!! at the end of the week I am going to take all the recipes, put them together and create a Biggest Loser Challenge 2013 Cookbook to share with all the challenge members!!!!! I will probably have to send it as an email but I think this will be SO helpful for all of us!!! I know I need new recipes to try! I hope everyone participates so we can all have a great week full of new recipes :)
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    1/15 0 I worked last nigh
    1/16. 20 min Tae bo (318 cal burned)
  • My biggest excuse is excercise. I work full time and have a 5 year old who has activities 2-3 evenings a week and then an 8 month old who is teething and wants mom all the time. By the time I get home I am exhausted from work and being up and down all night with the baby. Its so cold here I cant just take him for a walk like I did all summer. Therefore my calories burned are slim to none most days. I am trying to come up with something quick I can do. I tried P90X but that was not working out with the schedule I have.
  • My biggest excuse is excercise. I work full time and have a 5 year old who has activities 2-3 evenings a week and then an 8 month old who is teething and wants mom all the time. By the time I get home I am exhausted from work and being up and down all night with the baby. Its so cold here I cant just take him for a walk like I did all summer. Therefore my calories burned are slim to none most days. I am trying to come up with something quick I can do. I tried P90X but that was not working out with the schedule I have.

    What about doing jumping jacks, squats, push ups, sit ups/crunches at home maybe right when the baby goes down and its quiet time for your 5 yr old?!
  • I didn't work out last night :( Im sorry team! Tonight there is no excuse though! I will get on that treadmill!
  • misprintedlies17
    misprintedlies17 Posts: 77 Member
    Calories Burned:
    1/15: 1003 calories---- Ran 8 miles and 30 minute CrossFit Workout
    1/16: 793 calories---- Spin class and 30 minute stairclimber

    I am a workout fiend. If anybody has any questions on fitness, feel free to ask.
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 651 Member
    Hi Team Jillian!!!

    I just wanted to tell you all that I am extremely proud of you!! You are doing fantastic burning all those calories!!

    Keep up the great work and I will be working out with you just as soon as I can!!

  • Hi Team Jillian!!!

    I just wanted to tell you all that I am extremely proud of you!! You are doing fantastic burning all those calories!!

    Keep up the great work and I will be working out with you just as soon as I can!!


    We are all thinking of you Alison!! Thanks for motivating us :) you are doing great with your nutrition!!
  • I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate each of you for contributing to our win this week! I am sooo proud of each of you!! Lets get those calories burned &recorded this week and take the winning spot again!!!! Whos going to burn the most calories and loose the most to take top spot next week?!?!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Thurs 1/17: 50 min Tone up Class : 403 cals