opening up to new friends

natesangel Posts: 210 Member
so i've decided that it's time for some new friends on my list. until now i've kept it 'known' ppl only, i'm very personal that way! lol! but they have gotten quiet with their own thing and growing friends lists.
warning, i am blunt, if i see something in your journal for concern i will not say wtg i will call you on it. i WILL wtg and cheer all the good stuff, the losses, the workouts, the good days (i don't focus on choices, mine suck! i look at numbers and if they're bad then i look at why!) would love the same in return! i do tend to babble on my wall, 99% my journey related though, this isn't facebook but i will brag, vent or share thoughts if they pertain to my fitness changes and new lifestyle.

PLEASE include a message when friending, i get a few requests and hate trying to track down how they found me and why they are friending, i'm not into being a number on someones list.

as for me, i do jillian michaels (currently stepped up to ripped in 30 but have done 3 rounds of 30 day shred) i'm up to 5lbs weights and about to move into 8 lbs. i walk LOTS often with my daughter on my back (35lbs). i'm learning to embrace eat more to weigh less, and with my hrm i've had a total eye opener lately! enjoying the added cals to enjoy my day! in the last year i've lost a few lbs, but more importantly i've lost sizes, inches and gained a ton of energy!

PS sorry to any locals that have tried to friend me before and been ignored, no message and i just moved on before.