Day 16

Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
Day 16 done level 2 and 1 mile walk and stretching. I didn't jump as much tonight with the jumping jacks and it seemed to not hurt so much. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Night all.


  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    Half-a$$ed it (I didn't do any of the squat/lunges because my knees have been hurting), but it's done. I hope everyone who started on the first of the month is still active even though the participation in the check-in threads have been dwindling.

    ETA: grammar corrections.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Finished a few hours ago.. shins seem to be good to go although I have been cautious in my workouts now. TOM almost discouraged me from doing this today haha. Congrats to everyone who has made it this far and keeps posting about their day!
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    Even though I did sweat during the shred, I didn't feel like I gave it my all. I found a fun workout on youtube that is low impact and went ahead and did it.
  • KJBeltran
    KJBeltran Posts: 23 Member
    Finished Day 16 today. Although I have not been posting I have been completing my workouts everyday. For the past 4 days or so I have been doing level 1 & 2 together. I have been icing my shins for about 5 days after each workout. They seem to be doing better I'm not sure if it is because I am icing after workouts and stretching throught the day or, if it is because I do the jumping jacks and jump rope landing with my feet flat vs on my toes. I hope they are getting stronger but only time will tell.

    Great job on sticking with it ladies! I am glad I can get on here and relate to others going through the same experience.
  • randibecks
    randibecks Posts: 2 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday so today is day 16 for me!
  • kanncm
    kanncm Posts: 139 Member
    Guess I forgot to post here yesterday, 16 done and today was 17.
  • Melissa132129
    Melissa132129 Posts: 205 Member
    Two days behind here. Day 16 done!
  • vhaynes83
    vhaynes83 Posts: 61 Member
    I was ahead but no I'm behind by a lot :( I will finish though :)