I'm new

Hi I'm new here.... Just had a read through some of the other topics. I'm in the north west, have been using the app for the last week, but have also been ill so I feel like next week will be my first challenge... I have joined a gym and am looking forward to having a go at that. My first goal is to lose 14lb.... I have half my body weight to lose, so this is going to be a long journey. Any Hi's would be appreciated *waves* :)


  • hotsashno1
    hotsashno1 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Sharon,
    I joined a few years ago but only started using MFP about 2 weeks ago, it's really helping so far.
    I have about 60lb to lose but starting small aiming for 30lb for now so it doesn't seem so big a milestone.

    Wishing you a good start to your weight loss journey.

    Sasha xx
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    Do you think you've been ill because you've been restricting your calories or it is just a coincidence?

    Definitely go to the gym - release those endorphins and feel good about yourself! Having said that, the last time I went to the gym was about 10 years ago! Easy for me to preach, harder for me to do.....
  • No I have had a chest infection, totally unrelated. It does mean that I've not been able to eat much or move about much for the last few days. How do I put the progress bar under my post? I'm thinking maybe I should have chosen a different username too, can I change that?
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Sharon,
    I've recently renewed my membership after lapsing for a year and putting on another stone. I've got about 50lbs to lose and recently joined a gym. I'm restricted to non-impact exercises due to health issues but I love using the bike and the weights machines.
    Feel free to add me and welcome to MFP :-)
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I've also got about 50lbs to lose although first target is 28lbs and then look at my body fat % and re-assess, I live in quite a rural area so no gyms nearby and with a 4 year old to look after I'm doing a combination of Jillian Michael's DVDs, yoga and other stuff on Wii Fit, step aerobics on the bottom of my stairs and Zumba (although not much room to do that in my little front room). Whilst I've only lost 3lbs, I've also lost 2% body fat and feel much healthier.

    Last time I calorie counted I lost the 28lbs but didn't exercise half as much, fell off the wagon and put it all back on, exercise is here to stay this time and the weight is staying off once its shifted!!