Loving life since VSG

mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
I had the sleeve done on Nov. 5th, 2012. I am down over 50 # I have been exercising a lot! But today I went walking with my sister on her property. She has lots of hills and we walked 4 miles!! That beats my record of only 3 miles with my leslie sansone DVD...It felt so good! even the hills were NOT a challenge for me today!!! I did NOT hurt, I was NOT out of breath, the air was cold and crisp but felt so GOOD!!!! My goal at the start of this was to walk a 5k. Which in reality I have, but I want a number pinned to my chest (A GOOD NUMBER THAT IS LOL) I want to cross that finish line, I want to feel even more prouder of me than I did today walking the 4 miles!!! I am eating very little about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food at each meal, and it fills me up to where I feel really full!!! I get my protein in and my vitamins. I am so healthy, off all prescription meds!!! I AM DOING THIS!!!! And I am EVER so thankful for my sleeve!!! It has SAVED MY LIFE!!!!! I am enjoying life now and I would NEVER EVER have thought I'd see the day when I said "I really REALLY enjoy exercising"!!!!!! But today I am saying it!!! There is one MONSTER of a hill on my sister's property, we call it "Mt. Everest" It is so steep...but I am going to climb it!!! Give me a couple more weeks of doing the other hills and I am going up "Mt. Everest"!!!! Then on to finding a 5k in our area...and I'm going across that finish line!!!! :) Thanks for listening.


  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Mandy I'm so happy for you. You are really rockin' your sleeve. I know exactly what you mean about enjoying exercise. It's amazing how much more enjoyable it is when you aren't weighed down so much and not feeling sick and tired all the time Look at you almost to your half way point already and almost to Onderland! :happy:
  • clblew
    clblew Posts: 30
    what a fun post mandy!!! my surgery was 12/17, so even though am feeling great now, I can't wait for another month of "recovery". Feel like I have done very well except I still fight with energy and endurance. They keep telling me that will continue to get better and come back, but I sure miss my 60-90 minute workouts. 30-45 is about my max at this point and I am not doing them daily :(
    Like you, I am off all my meds now. have to get in and see my sleep doc about my cpap machine as I have lost well over 50# since it was last titrated. Physically I love the results!!!! My knees don't ache and hurt like before. I can walk and not be winded. The other day a co-worker even said "I used to hear you coming down the hall because you always wheezed while you walked, now you just sneak up on me"
    have a great weekend and can't wait to hear the success with "Mt. Everest!"
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you both!!! The sleeve truly is an amazing tool. Good luck to both of you and I know you will accomplish your goals as well.