GF in Florida

Hi all. I gave up gluten almost two months ago when my partner showed me a list of symptoms of celiacs. I have been diagnosed previously with Fibro, RA, Asthma and I have a fairly serious heart condition, a birth defect that occasionally requires surgery. Anyway, when my partner showed me the list of celiacs symptoms, I saw that all my symptoms except for the heart related ones could be found on it. It clicked and so I gave up gluten that day. The results have been miraculous thus far. I am almost pain free now and I can move again. I have lost more than 2O pounds and I am not so exhausted as I was. I am also not starving myself at all. The most surprising news here is that I do not miss wheat or other gluten containing items one little bit and there have been no "withdrawal symptoms." It is like my body is taking to the diet it should have been on all along. I am one happy camper.

BTW, I also started buying only the foods we can get from local organic farms. I am sure that is adding to my better health too.