anyone for tennis

ricmate Posts: 35 Member
fellow canetoads - am looking at starting up a social tennis group on southside of bris for any interested parties who may be looking for a way to burn extra cals, and get a bit of cardio. On top of this its just a great way to have some fun and enjoy the exercise. You don't need to be great at tennis, i know i'm not....

If anyone is interested get in touch and we can work out some details and get something sorted.

Thanks all and enjoy the weekend!


  • kerrysjunk
    kerrysjunk Posts: 7 Member
    I'm at Capalaba and started playing social tennis again a couple of weeks ago {after 10 years or more} at the Capalaba Courts in Degen Road Tuesdays from 19:00 hrs to 21:30 hrs for $5 a night which includes court hire, hot drink and biscuits.

    What is your location and is this a good deal..?? Kerry 0412 242 136.