lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
I have been on a rollercoaster of a year after having an ectopic last year and fighting with the drs to let my try clomid, kept being told to wait a little longer or that I needed to lose 40lbs. I tried everything but nothing seemed to budge the weight I would end up miserable and arguing with my husband. finally i got to see an other dr. because of some swelling and pain in my hands come to find out i had possible RA on prednisone I went, my new dr would not let me try clomid until I had been on the meds for a few weeks because it is known to get blood sugar out of control. Finally after weeks of keeping an eye on my sugars and me butching about waiting (I'm turning 30 this year so am hearing that damn clock) tried clomid and I did ovulate but did not get pregnant, at the same time I began a new program to help with weight loss with in a week I was off my diabetes meds and have been doing great.

Fast forward to yesterday's check up and I have never left a drs office so happy, according to my dr am a model patient LOL (that's new to me) My diabetes is now considered in remission after suffering years of injections and watching what I ate which I still do but I don't worry that am going to need a shot after :) I have only lost 24 lbs but she actually offered clomid to me again yesterday....

It felt so good being able to say no that am ovulating on my own and that am having a period she was so happy for me and the best thing that am losing weight even though am doing prednisone she also took me off one of high blood pressure meds and lowered my RA med too am on Metformin but more to help me ovulate (it's working) am just waiting for God to send me my little miracle until then keeping on with the weight loss. Just wanted to let you all know that it is possible to lose weight with PCOS i was actually told when I was diagnosed with it when I was 19 that i had a very severe case, so there is hope ladies just got to keep the Faith.

anyone is welcome to friend me am always looking for new friends


  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    I will say great post!
    Also I was told that most doctors only start clomind out at 50mg and really its like feeding candy to babies. My doctor prescribed 100mg right off the bat and besides having the hot flashes and moodiness I was able to get pregnant that first time. Granted I miscarried at 7wks but I know others who have gotten pregnant and it sticked. Good luck on your journey I know its a hard one; I've been there. Going to add you as friend if ok. God bless
  • ChristinaDawn7
    ChristinaDawn7 Posts: 19 Member
    This is great news Lucy!! It seems like you have a lot of energy too, since I always see you exercising. :flowerforyou:
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    melody I was lucky get the 50mg since I had not lost weight at the time, she only let me tried because I *****ed to her about being told to wait and a year had gone by and nothing so she gave in, but at least that is working it self out just praying and waiting that some little bean sticks soon :)

    Christy, i do exercise 6 days a week but for the past few weeks I had been feeling tired and just not into it come to find out my BP was too low so am glad that that is taken care of, I hope that I get to feeling as great as I had been and lose more weight how are you doing?
  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    I am very happy for you! The journey is long, but so worth it. Keep up the good work.